from 08/12/2024 to 08/18/2024
20 Office 365 Message Center Items were changed and 13 Office 365 Message Center Items were added
Please note: Only common Message Center messages are in this list you should always check your Message Center for additional messages
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MC End Time changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC674737 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Emojis, GIFs and Stickers Unified in One Picker | 09/30/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC683928 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: In-meeting Error Messaging | 09/09/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC688930 | (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies | 08/05/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-12-30T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC704955 | (Updated) Now get Real Time Calendar Notifications in Teams | 09/02/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC714521 | (Updated) Microsoft Viva Engage: Viva Engage question post update | 08/26/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-11-11T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC783216 | (Updated) "Investigation priority score increase" Policy to be retired | 09/02/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-11-11T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC783218 | (Updated) Cloud Discovery anomaly detection policy to be retired | 09/02/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-11-11T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC793654 | (Updated) Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | 09/02/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-09-30T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC793966 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | 09/16/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC794545 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | 09/09/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC794815 | (Updated) Microsoft Defender XDR: Enhancing email remediation with Sender’s copy clean-up features | 09/30/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-21T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC795750 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Custom emojis and reactions | 10/07/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-12-16T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC797474 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Channel cards | 09/16/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC798316 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | 09/30/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC805216 | (Updated) Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | 09/20/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-07T09:00:00Z | N/A |
MC806523 | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | 10/07/2024 09:00:00 | 2024-10-28T08:00:00Z | N/A |
MC How Affect changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC859848 | Microsoft Outlook: Updated behavior for "OpenLinks" app configuration keys for Android/iOS | controls whether links open in the system browser (with Safari and Chrome as defaults for iOS and Android), and whether the user is prompted periodically to optionally install Microsoft Edge controls whether the Open Links row appears in Outlook Settings and determines whether users can choose between the system default browser and Microsoft Edge. Before this rollout, the interaction of these two keys was not fully documented, with potentially unexpected results. The week of September 15, 2024, we will update Outlook mobile for iOS/Android so the behavior with respect to these two policies match the behavior described in the table below: Note: Behavior differs depending on whether Microsoft Edge is already installed on the mobile device. Key=valueSettings StateDefault link behavior: Edge Installed Default link behavior: No Edge UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=trueSettings includes Open Links with Default Browser and Edge/"Get Edge" options Links open in Edge Links open in default browser, and Outlook periodically offers to install Microsoft Edge UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=true Settings includes Open Links with Default Browser and Edge/"Get Edge" options Links open in default browser Links open in default browser UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=false Open Links Settings row is hiddenLinks open in Edge Links open in default browser UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=falseOpen Links Settings Row is hidden Links open in default browserLinks open in default browser | controls whether links open in the system browser (with Safari and Chrome as defaults for iOS and Android), and whether the user is prompted periodically to optionally install Microsoft Edge controls whether the Open Links row appears in Outlook Settings and determines whether users can choose between the system default browser and Microsoft Edge. Before this rollout, the interaction of these two keys was not fully documented, with potentially unexpected results. The week of September 15, 2024, we will update Outlook mobile for iOS/Android so the behavior with respect to these two policies match the behavior described in the table below: Note: Behavior differs depending on whether Microsoft Edge is already installed on the mobile device. Key=valueSettings StateDefault link behavior: Edge Installed Default link behavior: No Edge UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=trueSettings includes Open Links with Default Browser and Edge/"Get Edge" options Links open in Edge Links open in default browser, and Outlook periodically offers to install Microsoft Edge UseSystemDefaultBrowser=true UserChangeAllowed=true Settings includes Open Links with Default Browser and Edge/"Get Edge" options Links open in default browser Links open in default browser UseSystemDefaultBrowser=false UserChangeAllowed=false Open Links Settings row is hiddenLinks open in Edge Links open in default browser UseSystemDefaultBrowser=true UserChangeAllowed=falseOpen Links Settings Row is hidden Links open in default browserLinks open in default browser |
09/15/2024 |
MC Messages changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC674737 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Emojis, GIFs and Stickers Unified in One Picker | Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Users can soon find all of their emojis, GIFs, and stickers in a combined picker in Microsoft Teams. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 84023 [When this will happen:] Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out in early December 2023 (previously late November) and expect to complete rollout by late January 2024 (previously mid-December). |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Users can soon find all of their emojis, GIFs, and stickers in a combined picker in Microsoft Teams. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 84023 [When this will happen:] Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out in early December 2023 (previously late November) and expect to complete rollout by late January 2024 (previously mid-December). |
N/A |
MC683928 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: In-meeting Error Messaging | Updated August 2, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below for DoD organizations. Thank you for your patience. Microsoft Teams Meeting users will be notified directly through the error message on meeting right pane for why they cannot access meeting chats when their chat access is limited by policy or due to system limitations and unexpected errors. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 167211 |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below for DoD organizations. Thank you for your patience. Microsoft Teams Meeting users will be notified directly through the error message on meeting right pane for why they cannot access meeting chats when their chat access is limited by policy or due to system limitations and unexpected errors. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 167211 |
N/A |
MC688930 | (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies | Updated July 5, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We are excited to announce that Phase 2 of app centric management roll out is scheduled to complete in late June 2024 (previously May). This phase will be available to all tenants and can be initiated at the admin’s discretion. What is in phase 2? Migration wizard: a step-by-step guide to help you migrate the permission policies. You will be able to select which polities to migrate and designate users groups or individuals who should have access to the apps. Testing and Validation: before finalizing the migration, you will have the opportunity to test and export your staged changes. You can use this to make side-by-side comparison with your current setup, ensuring everything is perfect before you proceed. Duration: The migration process is designed to have no downtime for the end users and can take a few hours to complete. During the migration, your existing permission policies will remain in effect until the transition to app centric management completes. Detailed documentation for the migration process will be available in our online documentation, which currently includes information on managing apps after ACM migration. App centric management introduces new admin settings to control who in the tenant can install Teams apps. First, admins can set a default value for new apps that are published to the Teams app store. Second, admins can manage apps for users, groups, or everyone in the organization. This feature replaces the existing app permission policies and provides admins with the ability to manage access to the app individually. The app permission policies for existing customers are migrated to maintain existing app availability in the tenant. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 151829 |
Updated August 12, 2024: We have updated the rollout timelines and content below. Thank you for your patience. App centric management (ACM) is on hold as of August 14, 2024 and will restart in mid-September (previously June). Your experience during this hold will fall under one of the following , with Phases defined in detail below. If your tenant has already been migrated to ACM, it will remain on ACM. The rest of this MC post is not applicable to your tenant. If your tenant fell under the Phase 1 criteria of using only the Global app permission policy and no custom app permission policies, it will resume auto migration in mid September. If you had started the migration wizard in Phase 2 and saved a draft of your progress with the Finish later option, you may continue and complete your migration. If you do not have a draft currently saved, you will not be able to access ACM migration until the roll out restarts. What is in Phase 2? Migration wizard: a step-by-step guide to help you migrate the permission policies. You will be able to select which polities to migrate and designate users groups or individuals who should have access to the apps. Testing and Validation: before finalizing the migration, you will have the opportunity to test and export your staged changes. You can use this to make side-by-side comparison with your current setup, ensuring everything is perfect before you proceed. Duration: The migration process is designed to have no downtime for the end users and can take a few hours to complete. During the migration, your existing permission policies will remain in effect until the transition to app centric management completes. Detailed documentation for the migration process is available at App centric management to manage user access to Teams apps - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn. App centric management introduces new admin settings to control who in the tenant can install Teams apps. First, admins can set a default value for new apps that are published to the Teams app store. Second, admins can manage apps for users, groups, or everyone in the organization. This feature replaces the existing app permission policies and provides admins with the ability to manage access to the app individually. The app permission policies for existing customers are migrated to maintain existing app availability in the tenant. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 151829 [When this will happen:] This feature will gradually roll out across three major phases. Phase 1 (from late November 2023 to late September 2024 (previously late February) affects the tenants that use only the Global app permission policy and have no custom app permission policies. The app status from the permission policy and tenant settings will be migrated to preserve the admin intent. The migration will not affect the end users and their ability to use the apps. Admins may see the Manage apps page in a read-only mode for a short time. Phase 2 (from mid to late September 2024 (previously July)) affects the tenants that use both global and custom app permission policies. This phase will let the admin choose to migrate to app centric management by following a migration process that will change the existing app permission policies to app assignments in the new app centric model. The admins will have the choice to modify the apps that are assigned using the custom permission policies to be accessible to groups, if they want. Phase 3 (early 2025) applies to the tenants that skipped the migration in phase 1 or 2. These tenants will be migrated automatically in this phase. More details to come as a follow up MC post. |
N/A |
MC704955 | (Updated) Now get Real Time Calendar Notifications in Teams | Updated May 31, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. You can now get the Calendar Notifications in Teams from the Activity Feed. You will get calendar notifications in the Activity Feed for the below scenarios: |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. You can now get the Calendar Notifications in Teams from the Activity Feed. You will get calendar notifications in the Activity Feed for the below scenarios: |
N/A |
MC714521 | (Updated) Microsoft Viva Engage: Viva Engage question post update | Updated July 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We're making two changes to posts in Viva Engage: Changes to question post type Viva Engage is updating its questions to include two parts: a required field for the main question and an optional larger field for extra details. This change will enhance the clarity and readability of the question title, making it easier to scan and read. Additionally, the optional larger field allows users to provide additional context and details. New formatting capability: code snippets Users will be able to add code snippets to their posts, discussions, replies, questions, polls, and praises on Viva Engage. Additionally, if customers are licensed for Answers in Viva Engage, this feature will also be available when asking questions on Answers. To add code snippets, locate the new button on the publisher command bar. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 376700 and 378778 [When this will happen:] Worldwide: We will begin rolling out early March 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024 (previously early July). |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We're making two changes to posts in Viva Engage: Changes to question post type Viva Engage is updating its questions to include two parts: a required field for the main question and an optional larger field for extra details. This change will enhance the clarity and readability of the question title, making it easier to scan and read. Additionally, the optional larger field allows users to provide additional context and details. New formatting capability: code snippets Users will be able to add code snippets to their posts, discussions, replies, questions, polls, and praises on Viva Engage. Additionally, if customers are licensed for Answers in Viva Engage, this feature will also be available when asking questions on Answers. To add code snippets, locate the new button on the publisher command bar. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 376700 and 378778 [When this will happen:] Worldwide: We will begin rolling out early March 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024 (previously late July). |
N/A |
MC783215 | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Annotate PDFs with text boxes | Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. This new Microsoft OneDrive feature allows you to annotate and save PDF files with text boxes when the files are stored in Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft SharePoint. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 387807 |
Updated August 13, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. This new Microsoft OneDrive feature allows you to annotate and save PDF files with text boxes when the files are stored in Microsoft OneDrive and Microsoft SharePoint. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 387807 |
N/A |
MC783216 | (Updated) "Investigation priority score increase" Policy to be retired | Updated June 19, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We will be gradually retiring the "Investigation priority score increase" policy support from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps between June and July 2024. After careful analysis and consideration, we have decided to deprecate it due to the high rate of false positives associated with this alert, which we found was not contributing effectively to the overall security of your organization. Our research indicated that this feature was not adding significant value and was not aligned with our strategic focus on delivering high-quality, reliable security solutions. We are committed to continuously improving our services and ensuring that they meet your needs and expectations. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We will be gradually retiring the "Investigation priority score increase" policy support from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps between June and July 2024. After careful analysis and consideration, we have decided to deprecate it due to the high rate of false positives associated with this alert, which we found was not contributing effectively to the overall security of your organization. Our research indicated that this feature was not adding significant value and was not aligned with our strategic focus on delivering high-quality, reliable security solutions. We are committed to continuously improving our services and ensuring that they meet your needs and expectations. |
N/A |
MC783218 | (Updated) Cloud Discovery anomaly detection policy to be retired | Updated June 19, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We will be gradually retiring the "Cloud Discovery anomaly detection" policy support from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps between June and July 2024. After careful analysis and consideration, we have decided to retire it due to the high rate of false positives associated with this alert, which we found was not contributing effectively to the overall security of your organization. Our research indicated that this feature was not adding significant value and was not aligned with our strategic focus on delivering high-quality, reliable security solutions. We are committed to continuously improving our services and ensuring that they meet your needs and expectations. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We will be gradually retiring the "Cloud Discovery anomaly detection" policy support from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps between June and July 2024. After careful analysis and consideration, we have decided to retire it due to the high rate of false positives associated with this alert, which we found was not contributing effectively to the overall security of your organization. Our research indicated that this feature was not adding significant value and was not aligned with our strategic focus on delivering high-quality, reliable security solutions. We are committed to continuously improving our services and ensuring that they meet your needs and expectations. |
N/A |
MC793654 | (Updated) Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft 365 is upgrading its search functionality by phasing out certain aspects of Natural Language (NL)-Based Search support. However, the standard keyword-based search functionality will remain unchanged and will continue to be the primary method for accessing information within Microsoft 365 products. [When this will happen:] We will begin rolling this out in early July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. |
Updated August 13, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Microsoft 365 is upgrading its search functionality by phasing out certain aspects of Natural Language (NL)-Based Search support. However, the standard keyword-based search functionality will remain unchanged and will continue to be the primary method for accessing information within Microsoft 365 products. [When this will happen:] We will begin rolling this out in early July 2024 and expect to complete by mid-August 2024 (previously late July). |
N/A |
MC793966 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | In Microsoft Teams, users will be able to browse, multiselect and attach files from SharePoint Sites to a chat or channel conversation in the Teams mobile application. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 395375 [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCCHigh, DoD): We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by late June 2024. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. In Microsoft Teams, users will be able to browse, multiselect and attach files from SharePoint Sites to a chat or channel conversation in the Teams mobile application. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 395375 [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCCHigh, DoD): We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously late June). |
N/A |
MC794545 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | We will soon enable enhanced purchase experience in both the Teams Admin Center and the Teams app store. This improvement will empower administrators and end-users to seamlessly assess the plans offered by an app and secure third-party app subscriptions that optimally meet their needs. The aim of this overhauled experience is to simplify and expedite the subscription purchase journey, from choosing a plan to finalizing and reviewing the billing details. Our goal in refreshing our purchase user experience with new designs and structures is to offer a more recognizable user interface. This will enable users to comfortably identify the most suitable plan for their needs without being inundated by choices and facilitate a smooth plan purchase. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 179897 [When this will happen:] Public Preview: We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We will soon enable enhanced purchase experience in both the Teams Admin Center and the Teams app store. This improvement will empower administrators and end-users to seamlessly assess the plans offered by an app and secure third-party app subscriptions that optimally meet their needs. The aim of this overhauled experience is to simplify and expedite the subscription purchase journey, from choosing a plan to finalizing and reviewing the billing details. Our goal in refreshing our purchase user experience with new designs and structures is to offer a more recognizable user interface. This will enable users to comfortably identify the most suitable plan for their needs without being inundated by choices and facilitate a smooth plan purchase. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 179897 [When this will happen:] Public Preview: We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late June 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously late July). |
N/A |
MC794815 | (Updated) Microsoft Defender XDR: Enhancing email remediation with Sender’s copy clean-up features | Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information links. Coming soon to Microsoft Defender XDR: We will enhance email remediation capabilities with new Sender's copy clean-up features in Threat Explorer, email entity, Summary Panel, and Advanced hunting. These new features will streamline the process of managing Sent items, particularly for admins who use Soft delete and Move to inbox actions. Key Features Integration with Soft delete: Sender's copy clean-up will be incorporated as part of the Soft delete action. Wide support: This action will be supported across various Defender XDR platforms including Threat Explorer, Take Action wizard from the email entity, Summary Panel, Advanced hunting, and through Microsoft Graph API. Undo capability: An undo action will be available, allowing you to reverse the clean-up by moving items back to the Sent folder. Note: Sender's copy clean-up will apply to intra-organization emails and outbound emails, ensuring that only the sender's copy is soft deleted for these emails and inbound messages are out of scope. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out end of May 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.. Coming soon to Microsoft Defender XDR: We will enhance email remediation capabilities with new Sender's copy clean-up features in Threat Explorer, email entity, Summary Panel, and Advanced hunting. These new features will streamline the process of managing Sent items, particularly for admins who use Soft delete and Move to inbox actions. Key Features Integration with Soft delete: Sender's copy clean-up will be incorporated as part of the Soft delete action. Wide support: This action will be supported across various Defender XDR platforms including Threat Explorer, Take Action wizard from the email entity, Summary Panel, Advanced hunting, and through Microsoft Graph API. Undo capability: An undo action will be available, allowing you to reverse the clean-up by moving items back to the Sent folder. Note: Sender's copy clean-up will apply to intra-organization emails and outbound emails, ensuring that only the sender's copy is soft deleted for these emails and inbound messages are out of scope. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out end of May 2024 and expect to complete by early September 2024 (previously late July). |
N/A |
MC795750 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Custom emojis and reactions | Updated May 31, 2024: We will not be rolling this change out to organizations with Education licenses at this time. The timing of this change has been updated below. Thank you for your patience. In Microsoft Teams, users will be able to add their own custom emojis and reactions by uploading an image or GIF file, and their emojis and reactions will be accessible to all users in the tenant alongside the standard Teams emojis and reactions. Up to 5,000 custom emojis can be added per tenant. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 80659. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. In Microsoft Teams, users will be able to add their own custom emojis and reactions by uploading an image or GIF file, and their emojis and reactions will be accessible to all users in the tenant alongside the standard Teams emojis and reactions. Up to 5,000 custom emojis can be added per tenant. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 80659. |
N/A |
MC797474 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Channel cards | Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience. Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to get a quick overview about a channel using Channel cards. Channel cards will rollout across Microsoft Teams for desktop and web. Channel cards can be found by hovering over the channel name in the header or wherever a channel is mentioned. Channel cards will provide information about a channel, including the description, last activity time, team name, and membership information. The card also provides a quick entry to notification settings, owner channel management, and the channel roster. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience. Microsoft Teams users will soon be able to get a quick overview about a channel using Channel cards. Channel cards will rollout across Microsoft Teams for desktop and web. Channel cards can be found by hovering over the channel name in the header or wherever a channel is mentioned. Channel cards will provide information about a channel, including the description, last activity time, team name, and membership information. The card also provides a quick entry to notification settings, owner channel management, and the channel roster. |
N/A |
MC798316 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | Coming soon: Microsoft Teams personal apps will have a new simplified design at the top of the screen in Teams desktop and web clients. With this change, the About tab and other utility actions like Refresh for each app will be moved to the three-dot menu at the top of the screen. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396166. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Coming soon: Microsoft Teams personal apps will have a new simplified design at the top of the screen in Teams desktop and web clients. With this change, the About tab and other utility actions like Refresh for each app will be moved to the three-dot menu at the top of the screen. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396166. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously late July). |
N/A |
MC805216 | (Updated) Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | Note: If your organization does not support iOS, you can safely ignore this message.
Currently, when viewing a Microsoft Outlook email, users can access the available actions in the top-right corner of the screen. We are updating these actions to be in a bar at the bottom of the screen, and users will now have the ability to customize the order and placement of the actions. Additionally, users will now be able to access these actions from their Inbox view by long-pressing a message. |
Updated August 16, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience Note: If your organization does not support iOS, you can safely ignore this message. Currently, when viewing a Microsoft Outlook email, users can access the available actions in the top-right corner of the screen. We are updating these actions to be in a bar at the bottom of the screen, and users will now have the ability to customize the order and placement of the actions. Additionally, users will now be able to access these actions from their Inbox view by long-pressing a message. |
N/A |
MC806523 | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | We're making a change to the shared folder experience in Microsoft OneDrive. Currently, when a user opens a shared folder in OneDrive, they are taken to a view of that folder within the sharer's OneDrive. In the new experience, opening a shared folder will take the user to the shared folder within the People view of their own OneDrive. This view, organized by people, shows and allows access to all the files and folders that have been shared with the user.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 395378. |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. We're making a change to the shared folder experience in Microsoft OneDrive. Currently, when a user opens a shared folder in OneDrive, they are taken to a view of that folder within the sharer's OneDrive. In the new experience, opening a shared folder will take the user to the shared folder within the People view of their own OneDrive. This view, organized by people, shows and allows access to all the files and folders that have been shared with the user. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 395378. |
N/A |
MC810926 | (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: User admin and License admin roles enabled to manage self-service license requests | License admins and User admins will be able to manage license requests in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Currently, only Global admins can manage license requests. This change drives consistency with other Microsoft Entra portals in which these roles can assign licenses, such as the Microsoft Entra admin center, Intune admin center, and Azure Portal. Otherwise, no changes have been made to these roles' permissions.
[When this will happen:] |
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. License admins and User admins will be able to manage license requests in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Currently, only Global admins can manage license requests. This change drives consistency with other Microsoft Entra portals in which these roles can assign licenses, such as the Microsoft Entra admin center, Intune admin center, and Azure Portal. Otherwise, no changes have been made to these roles' permissions. [When this will happen:] |
N/A |
MC854652 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Meeting participants can choose a breakout room from a list | Coming soon: Microsoft Teams meeting organizers can make the list of breakout rooms visible to all meeting participants and allow them to choose which room to join. Enabling this setting in breakout rooms allows participants to move freely from one room to another, simplifying breakout room coordination for meeting organizers and participants. This message applies to Teams for Windows, Mac, and the web. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 121269. [When this will happen:] Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024. General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024. General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024. |
Updated August 13, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience. Coming soon: Microsoft Teams meeting organizers can make the list of breakout rooms visible to all meeting participants and allow them to choose which room to join. Enabling this setting in breakout rooms allows participants to move freely from one room to another, simplifying breakout room coordination for meeting organizers and participants. This message applies to Teams for Windows, Mac, and the web. This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 121269. [When this will happen:] Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early October 2024 (previously late September) and expect to complete by mid-October 2024 (previously late October). General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously late September) and expect to complete by late October 2024. General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early November 2024 (previously late November) and expect to complete by late November 2024. |
N/A |
MC859848 | Microsoft Outlook: Updated behavior for "OpenLinks" app configuration keys for Android/iOS | Microsoft Outlook for iOS/Android supports two app configuration keys for controlling hyperlink behavior: This message clarifies the intent and functionality of these configuration keys. Before rollout, we will update existing documentation to match this message. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out this change in mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024. |
Updated August 13, 2024: We have updated the content below to show as intended. Thank you for your feedback. Microsoft Outlook for iOS/Android supports two app configuration keys for controlling hyperlink behavior: This message clarifies the intent and functionality of these configuration keys. Before rollout, we will update existing documentation to match this message. [When this will happen:] General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out this change in mid-September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024. |
09/15/2024 |
MC MessageTagNames changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC793654 | (Updated) Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | User impact, Admin impact, Retirement | Updated message, User impact, Admin impact, Retirement | N/A |
MC793966 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | New feature, User impact, Admin impact | Updated message, New feature, User impact, Admin impact | N/A |
MC794545 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | N/A |
MC798316 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | Feature update, User impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact | N/A |
MC805216 | (Updated) Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | Feature update, User impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact | N/A |
MC806523 | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | Feature update, User impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact | N/A |
MC810926 | (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: User admin and License admin roles enabled to manage self-service license requests | Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | N/A |
MC854652 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Meeting participants can choose a breakout room from a list | Feature update, User impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact | N/A |
MC859848 | Microsoft Outlook: Updated behavior for "OpenLinks" app configuration keys for Android/iOS | Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | Updated message, Feature update, User impact, Admin impact | 09/15/2024 |
MC prepare changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC688930 | (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies | No action needed for phase 1 tenants with Global permission policy only. More information will be provided for phase 2 and 3 tenants in a follow-up communication before launch. |
No action needed for phase 1 tenants with Global permission policy only. More information will be provided for phase 2 and 3 tenants in a follow-up communication before launch. | N/A |
MC Title changes
MC ID | MC Title | Old Value | New Value | MC Action required by |
MC793654 | (Updated) Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | (Updated) Updates to natural language-based search in Microsoft 365 | N/A |
MC793966 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Attach files from Microsoft SharePoint sites in the mobile app | N/A |
MC794545 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Ability to purchase third-party app subscriptions from Teams Admin Center and Teams app store | N/A |
MC798316 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen | N/A |
MC805216 | (Updated) Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | (Updated) Updating conversation actions on Microsoft Outlook for iOS | N/A |
MC806523 | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | (Updated) Microsoft OneDrive: Change to shared folder experience | N/A |
MC810926 | (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: User admin and License admin roles enabled to manage self-service license requests | Microsoft 365 admin center: User admin and License admin roles enabled to manage self-service license requests | (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: User admin and License admin roles enabled to manage self-service license requests | N/A |
MC854652 | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Meeting participants can choose a breakout room from a list | Microsoft Teams: Meeting participants can choose a breakout room from a list | (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Meeting participants can choose a breakout room from a list | N/A |

CW33 New Office 365 Message Center items
MC ID | MC Title | MC Category | MC Workload | MC Major Change | MC Action required by |
MC859870 | Microsoft Teams: Improvements to the "Manage what attendees see" feature | Stay Informed | Microsoft Teams | False | N/A |
MC859862 | New Microsoft Outlook for Windows and the web: Use the Ctrl Y shortcut to jump to a folder | Stay Informed | Exchange Online, Microsoft 365 for the web, Microsoft 365 apps | False | N/A |
MC859853 | Microsoft Graph API is generally available in v1.0 to manage username, group names, and site names | Stay Informed | Microsoft 365 apps | False | N/A |
MC859848 | Microsoft Outlook: Updated behavior for "OpenLinks" app configuration keys for Android/iOS | Stay Informed | Microsoft 365 apps | True | 09/15/2024 |
MC860849 | Updates available for Microsoft 365 Apps for all channels | Stay Informed | Microsoft 365 apps | False | N/A |
MC862236 | Microsoft Teams: External presenters can join on mobile | Stay Informed | Microsoft Teams | False | N/A |
MC862229 | Microsoft Outlook: Quickly see who is in the office based on work hours and location | Stay Informed | Exchange Online, Microsoft 365 for the web, Microsoft 365 apps | False | N/A |
MC862228 | Microsoft Outlook: Behavior change for "Org Data Notifications" for Android | Stay Informed | Microsoft 365 apps | False | N/A |
MC863140 | Microsoft Word: Certain Dynamic Data Exchange features will be removed in April 2025 | Plan For Change | Microsoft 365 apps | True | 03/31/2025 |
MC863136 | Plan for Change: Intune moving to support iOS/iPadOS 16 and higher later this year | Plan For Change | Microsoft Intune | False | N/A |
MC862983 | Microsoft Copilot to update to enterprise data protection | Plan For Change | Microsoft 365 suite | False | N/A |
MC862873 | Take action: Enable multifactor authentication for your tenant before October 15, 2024 | Plan For Change | Microsoft Entra | True | 10/15/2024 |
MC863971 | Microsoft Viva: Quick Links Card on Viva Connections Dashboard | Stay Informed | Microsoft Viva | False | N/A |