
MC213897 – (Updated) New Feature: Self service purchase user request workflow (archived) Icon

*For this entry exists the more relevant or more recent entry MC219225

check before: 2020-06-19


Microsoft 365 admin center, Office 365 general


Online, World tenant


Change type:




Updated June 10, 2020: Thank you for your feedback. At this time we will not be moving forward with rolling out the feature as outlined. We will announce our new plan via Message center when we are ready proceed. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
We announced the self-service purchase user request workflow feature a few weeks ago and we’ve been reading your feedback and talking with you since that announcement.
As part of this process we’ve heard that some organizations will value having a workflow to enable users to request and receive license assignments. However, other organizations have told us that this feature will conflict with their existing processes, potentially confuse users and add more work for admins who have to manage multiple queues.
What’s changing
After hearing your feedback we are delaying the release of the self-service purchase user request workflow in order to add capabilities that will make this feature work better with for organizations with existing request processes. We’ll follow this announcement with more details on how that feature will work but we are actively working on our plans to make sure this feature works for all of our customers
When this will happen:

We are delaying the release of this feature effective immediately
We will follow up with a new announcement once we have more details

Previous message below for reference

Change Category:


Release Phase:



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Last updated 1 year ago

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