MC715429 – (Updated) Data Loss Prevention – Enriched Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins (archived) Icon

check before: 2024-02-27


Defender, Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft 365 suite, Purview Communication Compliance, Purview Data Loss Prevention


Web, World tenant



Change type:

Admin impact, New feature, Updated message




Microsoft 365 is updating the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins. The enriched alert email notifications will now include additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page. The rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 and is expected to complete by late May 2024. To prepare, ensure the DLP policy has alert notifications turned on.

Updated May 8, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
There is now increased information in the alert email notification sent to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins upon a DLP policy match. Previously a DLP alert email only included the user activity and the type of sensitive information matched in the alert. Now, DLP admins will get additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 369645
[When this will happen:]
Public Preview: Available now.
General Availability: Rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 (previously mid-March) and is expected to complete by late May 2024 (previously late April).

Change Category:


Release Phase:
General Availability, Preview



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2024-05-09MC Last Updated03/15/2024 22:54:562024-05-08T23:03:57Z
2024-05-09MC MessagesUpdated March 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
There is now increased information in the alert email notification sent to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins upon a DLP policy match. Previously a DLP alert email only included the user activity and the type of sensitive information matched in the alert. Now, DLP admins will get additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 369645
[When this will happen:]
Public Preview: Available now.
General Availability: Rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 (previously mid-March) and is expected to complete by late April 2024 (previously late March).
Updated May 8, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
There is now increased information in the alert email notification sent to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins upon a DLP policy match. Previously a DLP alert email only included the user activity and the type of sensitive information matched in the alert. Now, DLP admins will get additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 369645
[When this will happen:]
Public Preview: Available now.
General Availability: Rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 (previously mid-March) and is expected to complete by late May 2024 (previously late April).
2024-05-09MC End Time06/03/2024 09:00:002024-07-01T09:00:00Z
2024-05-09MC SummaryMicrosoft 365 is updating the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins. The enriched alert email notifications will now include additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page. The rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 and is expected to complete by late April 2024. To prepare, ensure the DLP policy has alert notifications turned on.Microsoft 365 is updating the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins. The enriched alert email notifications will now include additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page. The rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 and is expected to complete by late May 2024. To prepare, ensure the DLP policy has alert notifications turned on.
2024-03-16MC MessageTagNamesNew feature, Admin impactUpdated message, New feature, Admin impact
2024-03-16MC SummaryMicrosoft 365 is introducing enriched Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins. The new feature will provide additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more to help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page. The feature is available now in public preview and will be rolled out in mid-March 2024. To use the feature, DLP policy alert notifications must be turned on, and admins will receive alert email notifications in their inbox when DLP policy rule matches occur.Microsoft 365 is updating the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins. The enriched alert email notifications will now include additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page. The rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 and is expected to complete by late April 2024. To prepare, ensure the DLP policy has alert notifications turned on.
2024-03-16MC Last Updated02/13/2024 02:31:432024-03-15T22:54:56Z
2024-03-16MC MessagesThere is now increased information in the alert email notification sent to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins upon a DLP policy match. Previously a DLP alert email only included the user activity and the type of sensitive information matched in the alert. Now, DLP admins will get additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 369645
[When this will happen:]
Public Preview: Available now.
Standard Release: Rollout will begin in mid-March 2024 and is expected to complete by late March 2024.
Updated March 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
There is now increased information in the alert email notification sent to the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) admins upon a DLP policy match. Previously a DLP alert email only included the user activity and the type of sensitive information matched in the alert. Now, DLP admins will get additional context such as alert ID, policy details, device details, and more. This will help admins quickly assess the priority of an alert and determine the next steps before navigating to the Microsoft Purview DLP alerts page or Microsoft 365 Defender DLP alerts page.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 369645
[When this will happen:]
Public Preview: Available now.
General Availability: Rollout will begin in mid-April 2024 (previously mid-March) and is expected to complete by late April 2024 (previously late March).
2024-03-16MC TitleData Loss Prevention - Enriched Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins(Updated) Data Loss Prevention - Enriched Data Loss Prevention (DLP) alert email notifications for DLP admins
2024-03-16MC End Time05/01/2024 09:00:002024-06-03T09:00:00Z

*starting April 2022

Last updated 2 months ago

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