
MC718551 – (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: New Embedded Admin role impact

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check before: 2024-03-08


Microsoft 365 admin center, Microsoft Loop, SharePoint


Developer, Online, World tenant


Change type:

Admin impact, Feature update, Updated message



Microsoft SharePoint is introducing a new SharePoint Embedded Administrator role to manage SharePoint Embedded Applications and containers. Global Administrators can continue to create and manage SharePoint Embedded applications until mid-March 2024, after which only Global Administrators or SharePoint Embedded Administrators will be authorized to execute cmdlets. The rollout will begin in early March 2024 and complete by late March 2024 for Public Preview and mid-April 2024 to early May 2024 for Standard Release. Admins should assign the existing Global Admin role or the new SharePoint Embedded Admin role to create or manage SharePoint Embedded applications.
Updated April 2, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information on managing the assigned roles.
Microsoft SharePoint Embedded, currently in Public Preview, is an API-only solution empowering app developers to leverage the file and document storage in Microsoft 365 to create line-of-business or multitenant applications. Microsoft Loop is an example of a SharePoint Embedded application.

We are introducing the SharePoint Embedded Administrator role, which will have the capability to manage various aspects of SharePoint Embedded Applications and containers. This role will be available in Microsoft 365 admin center. With the introduction of this new role, Global Administrator can continue to create and manage SharePoint Embedded applications. However, as of mid-March 2024, the SharePoint admin role will lose the ability to execute SharePoint Embedded application and container-specific cmdlets (outlined below) as we roll-out the new role integration. After the rollout, only Global Administrators or SharePoint Embedded Administrators will be authorized to execute such cmdlets. Please track this document for the announcement of availability of the new SharePoint Embedded Administrator role in the Microsoft admin center.
[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out early March 2024 and expect to complete by late March 2024.

General Availability: We will begin rolling out mid-April 2024 and expect to complete by early May 2024.

Change Category:


Release Phase:



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2024-04-03MC preparePlease assign the existing Global Admin role or the new SharePoint Embedded Admin role (available early March) in the Microsoft 365 admin center to create or manage SharePoint Embedded applications.
You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.
The SharePoint Embedded Administrator role is now visible on Entra. Assign this new role to yourself to continue to use the container management cmdlets on PowerShell and access containers on the new UX that will be launched shortly. Please note, that Global administrator will continue to have access to the container management cmdlets as well as the UX for containers.

Alternatively, the Global administrators can assign the SharePoint Embedded Administrator role using the following PowerShell cmdlet:
> Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
> Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory,User.Read.All"
> $userId = "6bd30fc4-057c-409e-991b-a76fcd4510ab"
> $roleId = "1a7d78b6-429f-476b-b8eb-35fb715fffd4"
> $roleDefinition = Get-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleDefinition -UnifiedRoleDefinitionId $roleId
> $roleassignment = New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment -DirectoryScopeId '/' -RoleDefinitionId $roleDefinition.Id -PrincipalId $userId
2024-04-03MC Last Updated02/23/2024 01:34:422024-04-02T23:50:37Z
2024-04-03MC MessagesMicrosoft SharePoint Embedded, currently in Public Preview, is an API-only solution empowering app developers to leverage the file and document storage in Microsoft 365 to create line-of-business or multitenant applications. Microsoft Loop is an example of a SharePoint Embedded application.

We are introducing the SharePoint Embedded Administrator role, which will have the capability to manage various aspects of SharePoint Embedded Applications and containers. This role will be available in Microsoft 365 admin center. With the introduction of this new role, Global Administrator can continue to create and manage SharePoint Embedded applications. However, as of mid-March 2024, the SharePoint admin role will lose the ability to execute SharePoint Embedded application and container-specific cmdlets (outlined below) as we roll-out the new role integration. After the rollout, only Global Administrators or SharePoint Embedded Administrators will be authorized to execute such cmdlets. Please track this document for the announcement of availability of the new SharePoint Embedded Administrator role in the Microsoft admin center.
[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out early March 2024 and expect to complete by late March 2024.

Standard Release: We will begin rolling out mid-April 2024 and expect to complete by early May 2024.
Updated April 2, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information on managing the assigned roles.
Microsoft SharePoint Embedded, currently in Public Preview, is an API-only solution empowering app developers to leverage the file and document storage in Microsoft 365 to create line-of-business or multitenant applications. Microsoft Loop is an example of a SharePoint Embedded application.

We are introducing the SharePoint Embedded Administrator role, which will have the capability to manage various aspects of SharePoint Embedded Applications and containers. This role will be available in Microsoft 365 admin center. With the introduction of this new role, Global Administrator can continue to create and manage SharePoint Embedded applications. However, as of mid-March 2024, the SharePoint admin role will lose the ability to execute SharePoint Embedded application and container-specific cmdlets (outlined below) as we roll-out the new role integration. After the rollout, only Global Administrators or SharePoint Embedded Administrators will be authorized to execute such cmdlets. Please track this document for the announcement of availability of the new SharePoint Embedded Administrator role in the Microsoft admin center.
[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out early March 2024 and expect to complete by late March 2024.

General Availability: We will begin rolling out mid-April 2024 and expect to complete by early May 2024.
2024-04-03MC TitleMicrosoft SharePoint: New Embedded Admin role impact(Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: New Embedded Admin role impact
2024-04-03MC MessageTagNamesFeature update, Admin impactUpdated message, Feature update, Admin impact

*starting April 2022

Last updated 3 weeks ago

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