413716 – Outlook: Drag emails into Calendar icon in the app bar to create an event

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check before: 2024-09-01




Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant


In development

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Users can drag and drop emails into the Calendar icon on the left app bar of Outlook to create an event. #newoutlookforwindows

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XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability, Targeted Release



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XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

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XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Direct effects for Operations**

User Experience Disruption
Users may experience confusion or frustration if they are not aware of the new drag-and-drop feature, leading to decreased productivity and potential errors in event creation.
   - roles: End Users, Support Staff
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/10/01/whats-new-in-outlook-october-2023/, https://www.techradar.com/news/microsoft-outlook-gets-a-new-drag-and-drop-feature

Increased Support Tickets
The introduction of the drag-and-drop feature without proper training may lead to an increase in support tickets as users encounter issues or misunderstandings about the new functionality.
   - roles: IT Support, Help Desk Staff
   - references: https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-reduce-it-support-tickets/, https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/01/25/how-to-reduce-it-support-tickets-and-improve-customer-service/

Configutation Options**

Disable Drag and Drop Feature
You can disable the drag and drop feature in Outlook to prevent users from creating calendar events from emails.
   - technical instructions: 1. Open Outlook. 2. Go to File > Options. 3. Select the 'Mail' category. 4. Scroll down to the 'Other' section. 5. Uncheck 'Enable drag and drop' option. 6. Click OK to save changes.
   - references: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/change-or-disable-drag-and-drop-in-outlook-1f4e0b4b-3b2b-4b8e-8c1b-3b5c4e1e1c4b

Restrict Calendar Permissions
Restricting calendar permissions can limit the ability of users to create events from emails.
   - technical instructions: 1. Open Outlook. 2. Go to Calendar. 3. Right-click on the calendar you want to restrict. 4. Select 'Properties'. 5. Go to the 'Permissions' tab. 6. Adjust the permissions for users/groups as needed. 7. Click OK to save changes.
   - references: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/share-your-calendar-with-others-in-outlook-3c4b1b8e-3c5b-4b3b-8c8b-8e4b5c1e1c4b

** AI generated content. This information is not reliable.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago

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