2023 CW 11 Microsoft 365 Roadmap changes

from 03/06/2023 to 03/12/2023

44 Microsoft 365 Roadmap Items were changed and 0 Microsoft 365 Roadmap Items were added


Changed Property: RM Cloud Instance Tags

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
109580 GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC High, DoD Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC N/A
117418 GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC High, DoD Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant), GCC N/A
117454 GCC, GCC High, DoD Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant) N/A

Changed Property: RM Description

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
98201 Given the sensitivity of Audit log data, many organizations want to add additional layers of protection, including encryption. Microsoft Purview Customer Key allows organizations to use their own keys giving them control over their encryption. With this update, admins will have the ability to encrypt their Audit log data using Customer Key. This feature is postponed indefinitely. Given the sensitivity of Audit log data, many organizations want to add additional layers of protection, including encryption. Microsoft Purview Customer Key allows organizations to use their own keys giving them control over their encryption. With this update, admins will have the ability to encrypt their Audit log data using Customer Key. N/A
99939 Word, Excel, PowerPoint clients and Outlook email clients will support admin setting to have different set of sensitivity labels. We are adding a new within 4 hours option to end user notifications, allowing users to be able to rely on prompt notification about quarantined items when appropriate.  With this feature users can be rest assured that they will be updated frequently once new items land in their quarantined folders. N/A
100491 End-user calendar analytics in the Virtual Appointment Teams application [This is a duplicate of 98188 and is being removed.] End-user calendar analytics in the Virtual Appointment Teams application N/A
103098 Editor using Context IQ allows users to easily search for and insert entities like People or Files in their document while staying in flow. When users type the “@“ key, a menu will appear that allows them to search for, filter, and insert entities that exist across their Microsoft 365 account. Note: Support for Viva Topics and Loops will be coming in the future. Editor using Context IQ allows users to easily search for and insert entities like People or Files in their document while staying in flow. When users type the “@“ key, a menu will appear that allows them to search for, filter, and insert entities that exist across their Microsoft 365 account. Languages supported: English. Additional language support and support for Viva Topics and Loops will be coming in the future. N/A
103195 Provides a single location where professionals and administrators can create and manage scheduled and on-demand virtual appointments in Microsoft Teams, view valuable appointment insights and analytics, get real-time status updates in a queue view, and send appointment reminders. [This is a duplicate of 98188 and is being removed.] Provides a single location where professionals and administrators can create and manage scheduled and on-demand virtual appointments in Microsoft Teams, view valuable appointment insights and analytics, get real-time status updates in a queue view, and send appointment reminders. N/A
103196 Individuals and departments can drive business outcomes and improve customer experience by focusing on key metrics, such as length of appointments, wait times, and number of attendees. The report includes trends over time and the ability to drill down into individual appointment data. [This is a duplicate of 98188 and is being removed.] Individuals and departments can drive business outcomes and improve customer experience by focusing on key metrics, such as length of appointments, wait times, and number of attendees. The report includes trends over time and the ability to drill down into individual appointment data. N/A

Changed Property: RM MoreInfoLink

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
98920 https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftechcommunity.microsoft.com%2Ft5%2Fmicrosoft-defender-for-office%2Fintroducing-tenant-blocks-via-admin-submissions%2Fba-p%2F3604792&data=05%7C01%7Cv-begzaiem%40microsoft.com%7C3308930689f74 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/introducing-tenant-blocks-via-admin-submissions/ba-p/3604792 N/A

Changed Property: RM Preview

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
98112 February CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
98187 March CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
100057 February CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
116739 N/A March CY2023 N/A
117526 March CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
117941 N/A March CY2023 N/A

Changed Property: RM Release

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
97677 March CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
98112 April CY2023 June CY2023 N/A
98131 February CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
98163 June CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
98185 March CY2023 May CY2023 N/A
100057 March CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
100159 January CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
100502 April CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
100705 February CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
106120 January CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
109545 January CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
109577 February CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
115505 March CY2023 May CY2023 N/A
115506 May CY2023 June CY2023 N/A
116009 April CY2023 May CY2023 N/A
116010 April CY2023 June CY2023 N/A
117362 June CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
117373 February CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
117379 February CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
117526 May CY2023 June CY2023 N/A
117547 April CY2023 March CY2023 N/A
117549 May CY2023 April CY2023 N/A
117941 April CY2023 May CY2023 N/A
117941 May CY2023 April CY2023 N/A

Changed Property: RM Release Phase

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
116739 General Availability General Availability, Preview N/A
117941 General Availability Preview, General Availability N/A

Changed Property: RM Status

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
95566 In development Launched N/A
98082 Rolling out Launched N/A
98085 In development Rolling out N/A
98201 In development Cancelled N/A
99865 Launched Rolling out N/A
99865 Rolling out In development N/A
99865 In development Rolling out N/A
100491 In development Cancelled N/A
100502 In development Rolling out N/A
101534 Rolling out Launched N/A
103195 In development Cancelled N/A
103196 In development Cancelled N/A
103623 Rolling out Launched N/A
109545 In development Launched N/A
109577 In development Rolling out N/A
110710 Rolling out Launched N/A
114494 In development Rolling out N/A
117362 In development Launched N/A
117543 In development Rolling out N/A

Changed Property: RM Title

RM ID RM Title Old Value New Value check before
99865 Microsoft Teams: Simulcast for Teams on VDI Microsoft Teams: Simulcast for Teams on AVD and Citrix VDI N/A
99939 Office for Windows: support scoping labels based on files vs. emails Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Within 4 hours option for notifications. N/A

CW11 New Roadmap Items

RM ID RM Title RM Status RM Release RM Tags check before

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