Download the CW 10 reports based on the Roadmap database.*

In our database, we add information for IT operations, like:

The reports of one week are separated in three reports with changed to items of the week, one for minor, one for normal and one for major changes. 

download access-s2member-level1/2020-CW10-whats-next-Report-by-CSO.pdf CW 10 what's to do next
next weeks due dates on Items for your task planning
download access-s2member-level1/2020-CW10-major-Items-Report-by-CSO.pdf CW 10 updates on major Items
Report on changed items classified as major in the combined roadmap
download access-s2member-level1/2020-CW10-normal-Items-Report-by-CSO.pdf CW 10 updates on normal Items
Report on changed items classified as normal in the combined roadmap
download access-s2member-level1/2020-CW10-normal-Items-Report-by-CSO.pdf CW 10 updates on minor Items
Report on changed items classified as minor in the combined roadmap

* a plan is reqiured

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