2019 CW 32 Microsoft 365 Message Center changes

from 08/05/2019 to 08/11/2019

13 Office 365 Message Center Items were changed and 8 Office 365 Message Center Items were added

Please note: Only common Message Center messages are in this list you should always check your Message Center for additional messages

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MC End Time changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC183452 Updated Feature: Live events in GCC, Go Local India, Go Local Japan and Go Local Australia 2019-08-30T07;00;00Z 2019-10-31T07;00;00Z N/A

MC How Affect changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC186719 New Feature: Microsoft Stream ? 30 day recycle bin for deleted videos After this feature is deployed to your organization, deleted Microsoft Stream videos will be saved in a recycle bin for up to 30 days before being permanently deleted.
Stream admins will be able to see
a list of deleted videos in the recycle bin and
how much of their storage is consumed by videos in the recycle bin.
Stream admins may restore or permanently delete videos on behalf of video owners. They can access the feature via Gear ; Admin settings.
RE3sHIT?ver=1ff1 width=250 alt=Gear screen capture /;
RE3sxl0?ver=887a width=600 alt=Stream files screen capture /;
Via their recycle bin, video owners will be able to permanently delete or restore a deleted video. They can access their recycle bin via My content ; Recycle bin.
RE3sxl3?ver=3718 width=600 alt=My content screen capture /;
We'll be gradually rolling this out to customers starting in September 2019. The rollout will be completed worldwide by the end of October 2019.
After this feature is deployed to your organization, deleted Microsoft Stream videos will be saved in a recycle bin for up to 30 days before being permanently deleted.
Stream admins will be able to see
a list of deleted videos in the recycle bin and
how much of their storage is consumed by videos in the recycle bin.
Stream admins may restore or permanently delete videos on behalf of video owners. They can access the feature via Gear ; Admin settings.

Via their recycle bin, video owners will be able to permanently delete or restore a deleted video. They can access their recycle bin via My content ; Recycle bin.
We'll be gradually rolling this out to customers starting in September 2019. The rollout will be completed worldwide by the end of October 2019.

MC178278 Updated - New feature: SharePoint Online news and page authors will now receive emails with comments, replies and likes After this change takes place, when someone comments on a page or a news post, the author of the post will receive an email. If this comment is a reply to a top-level comment, the top-level commenter will also receive an email. Comment emails will be batched so that your users will receive a single email when several comments have been made on the page or news post within a short duration of time. Additionally, the same functionality will apply when users leave a like on a page or news post.
We?ll begin rolling this out in early August ( previously June), and the rollout will be completed worldwide by the end of August (previously June) 2019.
After this change takes place, when someone comments on a page or a news post, the author of the post will receive an email. If this comment is a reply to a top-level comment, the top-level commenter will also receive an email. Comment emails will be batched so that your users will receive a single email when several comments have been made on the page or news post within a short duration of time. Additionally, the same functionality will apply when users leave a like on a page or news post.
We?ll begin rolling this out in early August ( previously June), and the rollout will be completed worldwide by the early September (previously June) 2019.
MC187066 New Feature: Outlook on the web - Filters in room booking Outlook can now show you room features when you are browsing for rooms while creating a meeting. You can filter rooms based on these features, which could include location (floor/building), AV capabilities, or capacity. Room admins can set up the feature list.
http;//img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net/cms/api/am/imageFileData/RE3sUJZ?ver=5064 width=600 alt=Screen capture, browsing rooms by feature /;
We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release in early August. The roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of September.
Outlook can now show you room features when you are browsing for rooms while creating a meeting. You can filter rooms based on these features, which could include location (floor/building), AV capabilities, or capacity. Room admins can set up the feature list.
We'll be gradually rolling this out to Targeted Release in early August. The roll out will be completed worldwide by the end of September.
MC186372 Updated Feature: MyAnalytics rollout - Dashboard, Email Digest and Admin controls. This rollout includes Dashboard, Email Digest and Admin controls.
? The dashboard shows users statistics and productivity insights about their work habits
? They will also receive a weekly digest in email that gives them highlights about their previous week.
? You can use Microsoft 365 Admin center to set the default for access to MyAnalytics elements for all users. Users can change them at any time from their dashboard settings page.
? The ?excluded? Privacy mode in MyAnalytics is being retired. Users whose privacy mode was previously set to ?excluded? will now be considered as ?opt-out?.
The Admin controls for MyAnalytics will start rolling out at the end of July. The Dashboard and Email Digest will start rolling out to Targeted Release in early-August and will rollout to worldwide tenants in early-September.
These features will roll out to all customers with Microsoft 365 E5, E5 without Audio Conferencing, E3, A3 for faculty/students, Business, Office 365 E5, E3, E3 Developer, A3 for faculty/students, E1, Business Premium, and Business Essentials licenses.
This rollout includes Dashboard, Email Digest and Admin controls.
? The dashboard shows users statistics and productivity insights about their work habits
? They will also receive a weekly digest in email that gives them highlights about their previous week.
? You can use Microsoft 365 Admin center to set the default for access to MyAnalytics elements for all users. Users can change them at any time from their dashboard settings page.
? The ?excluded? Privacy mode in MyAnalytics is being retired. Users whose privacy mode was previously set to ?excluded? will now be considered as ?opt-out?.
The Admin controls for MyAnalytics will start rolling out at the end of July. The Dashboard and Email Digest will start rolling out to Targeted Release in early-August and will rollout to worldwide tenants in early-September.
These features will roll out to all customers with Microsoft 365 E5, E5 without Audio Conferencing, E3, A5, A3 for faculty/students, Business, Office 365 E5, E3, E3 Developer, A5, A3 for faculty/students, E1, Business Premium, and Business Essentials licenses.

MC Messages changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC187066 New Feature: Outlook on the web - Filters in room booking Ability to filter rooms by features is a new capability in Outlook on the web. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon.
This message is associated with .
This change does not apply to Office 365 subscriptions in GCC.
Ability to filter rooms by features is a new capability in Outlook on the web. We'll begin rolling this feature out soon.
This message is associated with https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=featureid=53084 Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 53084.
This change does not apply to Office 365 subscriptions in GCC.
MC186372 Updated Feature: MyAnalytics rollout - Dashboard, Email Digest and Admin controls. We are excited to announce the next phase of the MyAnalytics rollout to your organization.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap IDs ? https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.microsoft.com%2Fmicrosoft-365%2Froadmap%3Ffilters%3D%26featureid%3D52276data=04%7C01%7CBrian.McGough%40microsoft.com%7C3bda9d806bc642828bbd08d70a2b3583%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636989053099466171%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C-1sdata=3zZWGBK1%2FKf1ZVkI5X52JYr85zH41Lon9CxxE1zlcTw%3Dreserved=0 52276 and https://nam06.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.microsoft.com%2Fmicrosoft-365%2Froadmap%3Ffilters%3D%26featureid%3D52277data=04%7C01%7CBrian.McGough%40microsoft.com%7C3bda9d806bc642828bbd08d70a2b3583%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636989053099476172%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C-1sdata=8zNsfXpJjrvKSCX4vZikPtRISuHutJG%2BOR82kBtJxes%3Dreserved=0 52277
We are excited to announce the next phase of the MyAnalytics rollout to your organization.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap IDs ? https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=featureid=52276 52276 and https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=featureid=52277 52277

MC prepare changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC186719 New Feature: Microsoft Stream ? 30 day recycle bin for deleted videos You don't need to do anything, but you may consider updating your user training and notifying your help desk. You don't need to do anything, but you may consider updating your user training and notifying your help desk. N/A
MC186941 New Feature: Outlook on the web - new cmdlet to create room features You may wish to update your training and documentation as appropriate.
If you want to add details and features to rooms, please see the Blog post to learn more.
You may wish to update your training and documentation as appropriate.
If you want to add details and features to rooms, please see the Blog post to learn more.

MC to RM link changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC187301 New Feature: Enhanced Filtering for Connectors 53994 N/A
MC187289 New Feature: Site Swap 51259 N/A
MC187487 New Feature: Outlook for Android updates for the Samsung ecosystem and beyond 53111,53114,53116,53292,53293,53294 N/A
MC187471 New Feature: Comments on non-Office Files in SharePoint and OneDrive for Business 16617 N/A
MC187066 New Feature: Outlook on the web - Filters in room booking 53084 N/A
MC187570 New Feature: Importing a schedule into Shifts using Excel 51966 N/A
MC187550 New Feature: Join teams via a code or link 54158 N/A
MC187538 Updated Feature: Feedback surveys settings in Microsoft Teams in PowerShell and system-initiated user feedback 54165 09/01/2019

CW32 New Office 365 Message Center items

MC ID MC Title MC Category MC Workload MC Major Change MC Action required by
MC187301 New Feature: Enhanced Filtering for Connectors Stay Informed Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection False N/A
MC187289 New Feature: Site Swap Stay Informed SharePoint Online False N/A
MC187487 New Feature: Outlook for Android updates for the Samsung ecosystem and beyond Stay Informed Exchange Online, Office Subscription False N/A
MC187471 New Feature: Comments on non-Office Files in SharePoint and OneDrive for Business Stay Informed OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online False N/A
MC187570 New Feature: Importing a schedule into Shifts using Excel Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC187550 New Feature: Join teams via a code or link Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC187538 Updated Feature: Feedback surveys settings in Microsoft Teams in PowerShell and system-initiated user feedback Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False 09/01/2019
MC187628 Bringing new Yammer Users into Active State Stay Informed Yammer Enterprise, Yammer.com False N/A

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