MC958892 – Viva Engage: Enhanced keyword monitoring email notifications

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check before: 2024-12-15


eDiscovery, Entra, Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Viva Engage, Power Automate, Purview Communication Compliance


Android, iOS, Online, Web, World tenant


Rolling out

Change type:

Feature update, Admin impact




Viva Engage is updating email notifications for keyword monitoring with enhanced user experience and security upgrades, including supporting only Entra ID-backed emails, excluding private messages from keyword alerts, and providing more context in email subjects and bodies. Rollout begins mid-December 2024. Ensure alert recipient emails and processing rules are updated accordingly.

We are releasing an enhanced user experience in Viva Engage for email notifications that admins receive while monitoring network keywords. This enhanced experience addresses security upgrades and offers additional context about the monitored keywords and the associated conversations.

The enhancements and upgrades are summarized below.
Only Entra ID-backed email addresses within your tenant will be supported as email recipients. Consumer email addresses (e.g. Google Gmail) will no longer be supported. Unsupported email addresses will receive a prompt to change to a compatible email address.
Private messages between individuals will no longer be detected by the keyword alert system. These messages are confidential and must be discovered through appropriate compliance solutions (e.g. Microsoft e-discovery) when necessary.
Email subjects will provide more context on the detected keyword and the associated community or storyline conversation.
Email bodies will include the detected keyword and an inline view of the conversation for public communities. For private community conversations, a link to the detected conversation/message will be provided. Recipients must have access to the community to view the conversation.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 470303.

[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-December 2024 and expect to complete by late January 2025.

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

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Release Phase:
General Availability



Task Type

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Docu to Check

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MS How does it affect me

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MS Preperations

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MS Urgency

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MS workload name

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linked item details

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summary for non-techies**

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Direct effects for Operations**

Email Notification Changes
Only Entra ID-backed email addresses will be supported, leading to potential disruptions for users with consumer email addresses who will need to change their email.
   - roles: Admins, Compliance Officers
   - references:

Private Message Monitoring
Private messages will no longer be included in keyword alerts, which may hinder compliance monitoring and increase reliance on eDiscovery solutions.
   - roles: Compliance Officers, IT Administrators
   - references:

Email Processing Rules
Existing email rules or filters may need to be updated to accommodate the new subject line format, risking missed alerts if not adjusted.
   - roles: Admins, IT Support
   - references:

Configutation Options**

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Enhanced Security Compliance
Transitioning to Entra ID-backed email addresses ensures that only authorized personnel receive sensitive keyword monitoring alerts, enhancing overall security and compliance within the organization.
   - next-steps: Review current email recipient lists for keyword alerts and update them to ensure all are Entra ID-backed. Conduct training sessions for admins on the importance of security compliance and the new requirements.
   - roles: IT Security Manager, Compliance Officer, System Administrator
   - references:

Improved User Experience for Admins
The new email notification format provides additional context and inline views of conversations, making it easier for admins to quickly assess alerts without needing to log into the platform, thus saving time and increasing efficiency.
   - next-steps: Communicate the changes to all relevant stakeholders and provide guidelines on how to interpret the new email formats. Gather feedback from admins on usability and areas for further improvement.
   - roles: System Administrator, IT Manager, Help Desk Support
   - references:

Streamlined Compliance Processes
With private messages excluded from keyword alerts, organizations can streamline their compliance processes by utilizing Microsoft eDiscovery tools for necessary investigations, ensuring that sensitive information is handled appropriately.
   - next-steps: Collaborate with the compliance team to review existing processes for handling private messages and develop a clear protocol for utilizing eDiscovery when keyword monitoring flags relevant content.
   - roles: Compliance Officer, Legal Advisor, IT Administrator
   - references:

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

Data Protection**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

Hypothetical Work Council Statement**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

DPIA Draft**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

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** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

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Last updated 7 days ago

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