MC908108 – Planned Maintenance Reminder: Windows 365 Service (archived)

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check before: 2024-10-15


Intune, Microsoft 365 admin center, Windows 365


Online, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant


Change type:

User impact, Admin impact




Windows 365 service will undergo maintenance on October 15, 2024, from 01:00 to 02:00 UTC, potentially causing intermittent management access issues in the Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 admin centers for EU customers. Active sessions should not be affected, but new logins may experience minimal interruptions.

As previously mentioned in MC896697, we have planned maintenance for the Windows 365 service to improve performance and scalability occurring soon. This may intermittently impact your ability to manage your Cloud PCs in the Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 admin centers. Some users may encounter a slight interruption when accessing the Windows 365 website. This maintenance is planned outside of normal business hours, to help minimize any impact to your organization.
Start time: October 15, 2024, 01:00 UTC
End Time: October 15, 2024, 02:00 UTC

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:



Task Type

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summary for non-techies**

Planned maintenance for the Windows 365 service is scheduled for October 15, 2024, from 01:00 to 02:00 UTC, potentially affecting the ability to manage Cloud PCs through Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 admin centers, particularly in the EU, though active sessions should remain unaffected.

Direct effects for Operations**

Intermittent Management Access Issues
Admins may experience intermittent access issues in the Microsoft Intune and Microsoft 365 admin centers, affecting their ability to manage Cloud PCs.
   - roles: IT Admin, System Administrator
   - references:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">,

Minimal Login Interruptions for Users
Users attempting to log in to a new session on their Cloud PC may experience minimal interruptions, leading to potential delays in accessing their work.
   - roles: End User, Remote Worker
   - references:," target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

User Experience Degradation
Users may encounter slight interruptions when accessing the Windows 365 website, impacting their overall experience during the maintenance window.
   - roles: End User, Support Staff
   - references:," target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

A plan is required to see all the changed details. If you are already a customer, choose login.
If you are new to please choose a plan.

Last updated 2 months ago

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