MC891238 – (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams: Update on new Microsoft Lists rollout (archived)

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*For this entry exists the more relevant or more recent entry MC982551

check before: 2024-09-01


Microsoft Lists, Power Apps, SharePoint, Stream, Teams


Online, US Instances, Web, World tenant



Change type:

Feature update, Updated message, User impact


The message details an update on the new Microsoft Lists rollout, introducing features such as ratings, image drag-and-paste, real-time collaboration visibility, and view switching via tabs. The rollout will be completed by mid-November 2024, with no admin action required for preparation.

Updated November 6, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon to Microsoft SharePoint and Lists in Microsoft Teams: An updated Microsoft Lists. This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
This is an update to MC600726: (Updated) Microsoft Lists User Experience Update (updated October 2023) and MC709979 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams (January 2024).
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously late October).

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability, Targeted Release, Targeted Release (Entire Organization)



Task Type

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Docu to Check

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MS How does it affect me

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MS Preperations

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MS Urgency

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MS workload name

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linked item details

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summary for non-techies**

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Direct effects for Operations**

User Experience Disruption
Users may experience confusion and frustration due to the sudden introduction of new features without prior training or documentation, leading to decreased productivity.
   - roles: End Users, Team Leaders
   - references:

Compatibility Issues
Existing SharePoint Framework (SPFx) command extensions and Power Apps forms may break due to changes in the DOM structure or CSS, causing disruptions in workflows.
   - roles: Developers, IT Support
   - references:

Performance Impact
The introduction of new features may lead to temporary performance degradation as users adapt to the changes, potentially affecting the overall user experience.
   - roles: End Users, System Administrators
   - references:

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only


Enhanced User Collaboration
The new feature of real-time collaboration visibility allows users to see who is currently collaborating on a list. This can significantly improve teamwork and communication, especially for roles that require frequent collaboration, such as project managers and team leads.
   - next-steps: Conduct training sessions to familiarize users with the new collaboration features. Gather feedback to further enhance user experience.
   - roles: Project Managers, Team Leads, Collaborative Teams
   - references:

Improved Data Entry Efficiency
The ability to drag and drop images directly into lists simplifies data entry processes, making it faster and more intuitive for users. This is particularly beneficial for roles that rely heavily on visual data, such as marketing and design teams.
   - next-steps: Create documentation and tutorials on how to utilize the drag-and-drop feature effectively. Monitor usage to assess the impact on productivity.
   - roles: Marketing Teams, Design Teams, Data Entry Staff
   - references:

Customizable User Experience
The introduction of view switching via tabs allows users to customize how they interact with their lists, enhancing user experience and satisfaction. This flexibility can be particularly useful for data analysts and operational managers who need to analyze information in different formats.
   - next-steps: Engage with users to understand their preferences for list views and develop guidelines for best practices in list management.
   - roles: Data Analysts, Operational Managers, Business Intelligence Teams
   - references:

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

Data Protection**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

Hypothetical Work Council Statement**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

DPIA Draft**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

A plan is required to see all the changed details. If you are already a customer, choose login.
If you are new to please choose a plan.

change history

2024-11-08MC MessagesUpdated September 26, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon to Microsoft SharePoint and Lists in Microsoft Teams: An updated Microsoft Lists. This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
This is an update to MC600726: (Updated) Microsoft Lists User Experience Update (updated October 2023) and MC709979 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams (January 2024).
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.
Updated November 6, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon to Microsoft SharePoint and Lists in Microsoft Teams: An updated Microsoft Lists. This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
This is an update to MC600726: (Updated) Microsoft Lists User Experience Update (updated October 2023) and MC709979 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams (January 2024).
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously late October).
2024-11-08MC Last Updated09/26/2024 22:10:162024-11-08T02:29:14Z
2024-11-08MC SummaryThe message details an update on the new Microsoft Lists rollout, including new features like ratings, image drag-and-drop, real-time collaboration visibility, and tabbed view switching. Rollout begins late September 2024, with completion by late October 2024. No admin action is required for preparation.The message details an update on the new Microsoft Lists rollout, introducing features such as ratings, image drag-and-paste, real-time collaboration visibility, and view switching via tabs. The rollout will be completed by mid-November 2024, with no admin action required for preparation.
2024-09-27MC MessageTagNamesFeature update, User impactUpdated message, Feature update, User impact
2024-09-27MC SummaryThe new Microsoft Lists rollout in SharePoint and Teams, starting late September 2024, will introduce features like ratings, direct image pasting, real-time collaboration visibility, tabbed view switching, and more. No admin action is required for preparation. Some features are already available as per the May 2023 blog.The message details an update on the new Microsoft Lists rollout, including new features like ratings, image drag-and-drop, real-time collaboration visibility, and tabbed view switching. Rollout begins late September 2024, with completion by late October 2024. No admin action is required for preparation.
2024-09-27MC Last Updated09/17/2024 01:28:092024-09-26T22:10:16Z
2024-09-27MC MessagesComing soon to Microsoft SharePoint and Lists in Microsoft Teams: An updated Microsoft Lists. This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
This is an update to MC600726: (Updated) Microsoft Lists User Experience Update (updated October 2023) and MC709979 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams (January 2024).
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.
Updated September 26, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon to Microsoft SharePoint and Lists in Microsoft Teams: An updated Microsoft Lists. This rollout introduces new features to users, including the ability to add ratings to any list, drag and/or paste images directly into a list, see who is collaborating with you in real time, switch views by clicking tabs, and more.
This is an update to MC600726: (Updated) Microsoft Lists User Experience Update (updated October 2023) and MC709979 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Updated Lists in Team Sites, Lists progressive web app (PWA), and Teams (January 2024).
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.
2024-09-27MC TitleMicrosoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams: Update on new Microsoft Lists rollout(Updated) Microsoft SharePoint and Microsoft Teams: Update on new Microsoft Lists rollout
2024-09-27MC How AffectBefore this rollout, Lists do not have features like visible real time collaborators, easy access to views via tabs, and applied filters at the top of a list. Note: Some features described in the May 2023 blog Microsoft Lists: Easier, Better, Faster, Stronger - Microsoft Community Hub, such as new forms to collect information easily, have started to roll out or have fully rolled out.
After this rollout, users in active tenants will see the remaining Lists feature updates described in the May 2023 blog when browsing lists on SharePoint sites, the Lists progressive web app (PWA), the Lists app on the web, and the Lists app in Teams. All Lists in SharePoint sites will retain the SharePoint site's theme and navigation.
Existing lists configured with these features will be updated after this rollout:
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) command extensions
Power Apps forms
These Lists components are not included in the new rollout:
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) field customizers
The Playlist template integrated with Microsoft Stream
All new and updated List features are on by default.
Before this rollout, Lists do not have features like visible real time collaborators, easy access to views via tabs, and applied filters at the top of a list. Note: Some features described in the May 2023 blog Microsoft Lists: Easier, Better, Faster, Stronger - Microsoft Community Hub, such as new forms to collect information easily, have started to roll out or have fully rolled out.
After this rollout, users in active tenants will see the remaining Lists feature updates described in the May 2023 blog when browsing lists on SharePoint sites, the Lists progressive web app (PWA), the Lists app on the web, and the Lists app in Teams. All Lists in SharePoint sites will retain the SharePoint site's theme and navigation.
Existing lists configured with these features will be updated after this rollout:
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) command extensions
Power Apps forms
Note: Extensions that depend directly on DOM (Document Object Model) structure or CSS (cascading style sheets) are not supported and may break. We recommend using Microsoft SharePoint Framework, which provides a rich API to customize the SharePoint experience.
These Lists components are not included in the new rollout:
SharePoint Framework (SPFx) field customizers
The Playlist template integrated with Microsoft Stream
All new and updated List features are on by default.

Last updated 3 weeks ago

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