MC798316 – (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen (archived)

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check before: 2024-07-15




Android, iOS, Mac, US Instances, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant



Change type:

Feature update, Updated message, User impact




Microsoft Teams is introducing a new simplified design for personal apps on desktop and web clients, moving the 'About' tab and utility actions to a three-dot menu. This change, associated with Roadmap ID 396166, will start rolling out in mid-July 2024 and is expected to complete by late August 2024. It aims to reduce clutter and complexity. No admin action is required before the rollout.

Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon: Microsoft Teams personal apps will have a new simplified design at the top of the screen in Teams desktop and web clients. With this change, the About tab and other utility actions like Refresh for each app will be moved to the three-dot menu at the top of the screen.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396166.
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously late July).

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
Standard Release



Task Type

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Docu to Check

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS How does it affect me

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS Preperations

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MS Urgency

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MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

linked item details

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Direct effects for Operations**

User Interface Confusion
Users may experience confusion due to the relocation of the 'About' tab and utility actions to a three-dot menu, leading to difficulty in finding essential features.
   - roles: End Users, Support Staff
   - references:

Reduced Productivity
The change in design may disrupt users' workflows as they adapt to the new layout, potentially leading to decreased productivity during the transition period.
   - roles: End Users, Team Leaders
   - references:

Increased Support Requests
The change may lead to an increase in support requests as users seek assistance in navigating the new interface, impacting IT support resources.
   - roles: Support Staff, IT Operations
   - references:

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

Microsoft Teams is making the top of the screen for personal apps simpler and less cluttered. They are moving some options, like the "About" tab and other utility actions, into a three-dot menu. This change will start in mid-July 2024 and finish by late August 2024. You don't need to do anything; it will happen automatically.

Think of it like cleaning up your desk. Right now, you have a lot of things scattered on top—pens, papers, and gadgets. It looks messy and can be hard to find what you need. Microsoft Teams is like a desk organizer that helps you put some of those items into drawers (the three-dot menu), making your desk (the top of the screen) look cleaner and easier to use.

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

A plan is required to see all the changed details. If you are already a customer, choose login.
If you are new to please choose a plan.

change history

2024-09-17MC Feature StatusRolling outLaunched
2024-09-06MC Feature RingStandard Release, Targeted ReleaseStandard Release
2024-08-16MC MessageTagNamesFeature update, User impactUpdated message, Feature update, User impact
2024-08-16MC SummaryMicrosoft Teams is introducing a new simplified design for personal apps on desktop and web clients, moving the 'About' tab and utility actions to a three-dot menu. This change, associated with Roadmap ID 396166, will start rolling out in mid-July 2024 and is expected to complete by late July 2024. It aims to reduce clutter and complexity. No admin action is required before the rollout.Microsoft Teams is introducing a new simplified design for personal apps on desktop and web clients, moving the 'About' tab and utility actions to a three-dot menu. This change, associated with Roadmap ID 396166, will start rolling out in mid-July 2024 and is expected to complete by late August 2024. It aims to reduce clutter and complexity. No admin action is required before the rollout.
2024-08-16MC Last Updated06/04/2024 01:23:572024-08-15T21:40:36Z
2024-08-16MC MessagesComing soon: Microsoft Teams personal apps will have a new simplified design at the top of the screen in Teams desktop and web clients. With this change, the About tab and other utility actions like Refresh for each app will be moved to the three-dot menu at the top of the screen.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396166.
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
Updated August 15, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon: Microsoft Teams personal apps will have a new simplified design at the top of the screen in Teams desktop and web clients. With this change, the About tab and other utility actions like Refresh for each app will be moved to the three-dot menu at the top of the screen.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 396166.
[When this will happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously late July).
2024-08-16MC TitleMicrosoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen(Updated) Microsoft Teams: Simplifying the personal app design at the top of the screen
2024-08-16MC End Time09/30/2024 09:00:002024-10-07T09:00:00Z
2024-08-08MC Feature Ringvaries
2024-08-08MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-07MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-06MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-08-04MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-02MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-08-01MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-31MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-30MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-29MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-27MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-27MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-26MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-25MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-24MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-24MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-23MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-23MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-22MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-19MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-18MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-18MC Feature Status396166
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-07-17MC Feature Status396166
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Mac, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-16MC Feature Status396166
All, Scheduled
Desktop, Scheduled
Mac, Scheduled
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Mac, InRollout, TargetedRelease

Last updated 4 months ago

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