MC552788 – (Updated) Outlook: Mandatory labeling pre-compose for iOS (archived)

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check before: 2023-05-24


Exchange, Intune, Outlook, Purview Information Protection


Android, iOS, Online, US Instances, World tenant



Change type:

Admin impact, New feature, Updated message




Updated June 13, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
We have listened customer feedback on Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of "On the Go" and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling and would like to have the label selection first before going to compose the email. When the users click "Send", the email could just be sent without any forgotten labeling pop ups. Outlook mobile will introduce a new MDM setting to allow admins to enable this louder mandatory configuration for Outlook mobile clients (iOS and Android) specifically. We will enable Android first in early Q1 of 2023, and iOS will release in Q2 of 2023.
This release will include supporting the new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109544
[When this will happen:]
Outlook iOS Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early May and expect to complete by late June (previously early June).

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change history

2023-06-14MC Last Updated05/19/2023 22:35:132023-06-13T22:26:25Z
2023-06-14MC MessagesUpdated May 19, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
We have listened customer feedback on Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of "On the Go" and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling and would like to have the label selection first before going to compose the email. When the users click "Send", the email could just be sent without any forgotten labeling pop ups. Outlook mobile will introduce a new MDM setting to allow admins to enable this louder mandatory configuration for Outlook mobile clients (iOS and Android) specifically. We will enable Android first in early Q1 of 2023, and iOS will release in Q2 of 2023.
This release will include supporting the new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109544
[When this will happen:]
Outlook iOS Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early May and expect to complete by early June (previously late May).
Updated June 13, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
We have listened customer feedback on Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of "On the Go" and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling and would like to have the label selection first before going to compose the email. When the users click "Send", the email could just be sent without any forgotten labeling pop ups. Outlook mobile will introduce a new MDM setting to allow admins to enable this louder mandatory configuration for Outlook mobile clients (iOS and Android) specifically. We will enable Android first in early Q1 of 2023, and iOS will release in Q2 of 2023.
This release will include supporting the new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109544
[When this will happen:]
Outlook iOS Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early May and expect to complete by late June (previously early June).
2023-06-14MC End Time07/06/2023 09:00:002023-07-31T09:00:00Z
2023-05-20MC MessagesWe have listened customer feedback on Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of "On the Go" and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling and would like to have the label selection first before going to compose the email. When the users click "Send", the email could just be sent without any forgotten labeling pop ups. Outlook mobile will introduce a new MDM setting to allow admins to enable this louder mandatory configuration for Outlook mobile clients (iOS and Android) specifically. We will enable Android first in early Q1 of 2023, and iOS will release in Q2 of 2023.
This release will include supporting the new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109544
[When this will happen:]
Outlook iOS Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early May and expect to complete by late May.
Updated May 19, 2023: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
We have listened customer feedback on Outlook mobile needing to meet the mission of "On the Go" and for organizations to have mandatory labeling enabled without default labeling and would like to have the label selection first before going to compose the email. When the users click "Send", the email could just be sent without any forgotten labeling pop ups. Outlook mobile will introduce a new MDM setting to allow admins to enable this louder mandatory configuration for Outlook mobile clients (iOS and Android) specifically. We will enable Android first in early Q1 of 2023, and iOS will release in Q2 of 2023.
This release will include supporting the new sensitivity bar below the subject line as well as support label colors.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 109544
[When this will happen:]
Outlook iOS Standard Release: We will begin rolling out early May and expect to complete by early June (previously late May).
2023-05-20MC TitleOutlook: Mandatory labeling pre-compose for iOS(Updated) Outlook: Mandatory labeling pre-compose for iOS
2023-05-20MC How Affect1. If your organization has a prompter mandatory label experience pre-compose, make sure you enable mandatory label for specific users, and then set Intune MDM setting "" to be "true", then the applied users will see the select label page first before drafting the email when the user start new email.
2. If your organization has set Label policy -AdvancedSettings @{HideBarByDefault="False"}, on Outlook mobile you will see the label selection now is below the subject line. If you do not set that value or set it to be True, Sensitivity label will still bel under compose.
3. Outlook Android will also support label colors if admin configured so.
If your organization has a prompter mandatory label experience pre-compose, make sure you enable mandatory label for specific users, and then set Intune MDM setting "" to be "true", then the applied users will see the select label page first before drafting the email when the user start new email.
If your organization has set Label policy -AdvancedSettings @{HideBarByDefault="False"}, on Outlook mobile you will see the label selection now is below the subject line. If you do not set that value or set it to be True, Sensitivity label will still bel under compose.
Outlook Android will also support label colors if admin configured so.
2023-05-20MC Last Updated05/10/2023 02:03:212023-05-19T22:35:13Z
2023-05-20MC MessageTagNamesNew feature, Admin impactUpdated message, New feature, Admin impact

Last updated 6 months ago

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