MC798682 – (Updated) Microsoft Outlook: Emails sync to your device for offline use (archived)

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check before: 2024-06-19


Exchange, Intune, Microsoft 365 Apps, Outlook


Android, iOS, mobile, Online, World tenant



Change type:

Admin impact, New feature, Updated message, User impact


Outlook will introduce a sync window feature, allowing users to select the number of days' emails to sync for offline access, with options from 1 to 30 days, including attachments. This feature is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809 and will start roll out in June 2024. Admins can set default sync settings, and users can customize their preferences. Initially, there's a 30-day sync limit and a 2,000 message download limit.

Updated August 2, 2024: We have updated the timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early November 2024 (previously early August).

Change Category:
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Release Phase:
General Availability



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summary for non-techies**

Microsoft Outlook's new feature allows users to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments to download for offline access, with options ranging from 1 to 30 days, and admins can set default sync settings while users can adjust them as needed.

Direct effects for Operations**

Email Sync Limitations
If the sync window is not properly configured, users may not have access to important emails and attachments when offline, leading to potential delays in communication and decision-making.
   - roles: End User, IT Administrator
   - references:

User Experience Disruption
Users may experience confusion or frustration if they are unaware of the new sync settings and limits, leading to a negative impact on productivity and user satisfaction.
   - roles: End User, Support Staff
   - references:

Training and Support Needs
The introduction of the sync window feature may require additional training for users and support staff to ensure they understand how to configure their settings, which could lead to increased support requests if not addressed.
   - roles: End User, Training Coordinator
   - references:

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

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If you are new to please choose a plan.

change history

2024-08-03MC Last Updated07/23/2024 00:23:092024-08-02T20:16:54Z
2024-08-03MC MessagesUpdated July 22, 2024: We have updated the timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early August 2024 (previously early July).
Updated August 2, 2024: We have updated the timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early November 2024 (previously early August).
2024-08-03MC End Time09/16/2024 09:00:002024-12-09T08:00:00Z
2024-07-23MC Last Updated07/05/2024 19:44:292024-07-23T00:23:09Z
2024-07-23MC MessagesUpdated July 5, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information about controls. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early July (previously late June) 2024.
Updated July 22, 2024: We have updated the timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early August 2024 (previously early July).
2024-07-23MC End Time08/12/2024 09:00:002024-09-16T09:00:00Z
2024-07-06MC MessagesUpdated June 14, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information about controls. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by late June 2024.
Updated July 5, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information about controls. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by early July (previously late June) 2024.
2024-07-06MC TitleMicrosoft Outlook: Emails sync to your device for offline use(Updated) Microsoft Outlook: Emails sync to your device for offline use
2024-07-06MC Last Updated06/14/2024 19:54:452024-07-05T19:44:29Z
2024-07-06MC SummaryOutlook will introduce a sync window feature, allowing users to select the number of days' emails to sync for offline access, with options from 1 to 30 days, including attachments. This feature is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809 and will roll out in June 2024. Admins can set default sync settings, and users can customize their preferences. Initially, there's a 30-day sync limit and a 2,000 message download limit.Outlook will introduce a sync window feature, allowing users to select the number of days' emails to sync for offline access, with options from 1 to 30 days, including attachments. This feature is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809 and will start roll out in June 2024. Admins can set default sync settings, and users can customize their preferences. Initially, there's a 30-day sync limit and a 2,000 message download limit.
2024-06-15MC MessagesA new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by late June 2024.
Updated June 14, 2024: We have updated the content below with additional information about controls. Thank you for your patience.
A new sync window feature will be available in Microsoft Outlook. This feature allows you to choose how many days' worth of emails and attachments you want to download to your device. This way, you can always access your emails and attachments, even when you're offline.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189809
[When this will happen:]
We will start rolling out in early June 2024 and expect to complete the rollout by late June 2024.
2024-06-15MC MessageTagNamesNew feature, User impact, Admin impactUpdated message, New feature, User impact, Admin impact
2024-06-15MC How AffectWith this feature, users will have access to the following new settings:
Days of Mail to Sync: Users can select how many days of emails they want to sync to their devices, with options ranging from 1 to 30 days.
Include Attachments: There is a toggle option to auto-download all attachments received within the selected sync window. For example, if a user sets their sync window to 14 days and turns this toggle on, all attachments received in the past 14 days will be automatically downloaded to their devices.
Microsoft Intune controls available:
Admins can specify a default sync window.
Admins can allow or disallow changes to the default sync window.
This is the first version of the Sync Settings feature being released. To maintain the best performance of the Outlook app, we are initially releasing this feature with a limit of a 30-day sync window and a limit of 2,000 downloaded messages. We plan to expand this limit in the future.
This feature is available by default.
With this feature, users will have access to the following new settings:
Days of Mail to Sync: Users can select how many days of emails they want to sync to their devices, with options ranging from 1 to 30 days.
Include Attachments: There is a toggle option to auto-download all attachments received within the selected sync window. For example, if a user sets their sync window to 14 days and turns this toggle on, all attachments received in the past 14 days will be automatically downloaded to their devices.
Microsoft Intune controls available:
Admins can specify a default sync window.
Admins can allow or disallow changes to the default sync window.
The keys for these settings are:
It is the admin's responsibility to set a valid value (from 1 to 90).
This is the first version of the sync settings we'll be releasing. To maintain the best performance of the app, we are initially releasing a limit of a 90-day sync window. We plan to expand this limit as soon as we can confirm that the app performs well in production. Depending on the size of the mailbox, you may encounter some limits when downloading messages and/or attachments, but rest assured, we're continuously working on improving this feature. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
This feature is available by default.
2024-06-15MC Last Updated06/05/2024 01:19:312024-06-14T19:54:45Z

Last updated 2 months ago

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