MC790796 – (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New onboarding to teams and channels (archived)

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check before: 2024-05-21




Android, Education, iOS, US Instances, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant



Change type:

New feature, Updated message, User impact




Microsoft Teams is introducing a new onboarding process for teams and channels, with rollout timelines updated for various releases. The new feature allows team owners to recommend channels, and team members will initially see only the 'General' channel upon joining a team. This update is detailed under Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734. No admin action is required before the rollout.

Updated November 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Updated May 17, 2024: We have updated the content below to clarify the experience for EDU and FLW licensed users. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-September (previously mid-July) 2024 and expect to complete by late September (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late September (previously late July) 2024 and expect to complete by early October (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early October (previously early August) 2024 and expect to complete by late November (previously late October) 2024.

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
Standard Release



Task Type

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Docu to Check

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS How does it affect me

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS Preperations

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS Urgency

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

linked item details

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

summary for non-techies**

Microsoft Teams is updating its interface so that new members initially only see the 'General' channel, with team owners able to recommend other channels for users to join, except for specific licenses like EDU and FLW where recommended channels will still appear automatically.

Direct effects for Operations**

User Confusion
Users may be confused by the new onboarding process, as they will only see the 'General' channel initially, potentially leading to frustration and decreased productivity.
   - roles: Team Members, Team Owners
   - references:

Reduced Collaboration
The change may hinder immediate collaboration as users might not be aware of other relevant channels, leading to delays in communication and project progress.
   - roles: Team Members, Project Managers
   - references:

Increased Support Requests
The new onboarding process could lead to an increase in support requests from users who are unsure how to navigate the new channel recommendations, impacting IT support resources.
   - roles: IT Support Staff, Team Leaders
   - references:

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

IT Security**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

A plan is required to see all the changed details. If you are already a customer, choose login.
If you are new to please choose a plan.

change history

2024-11-08MC Last Updated07/22/2024 22:46:302024-11-08T01:42:37Z
2024-11-08MC MessagesUpdated July 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-September (previously mid-July) 2024 and expect to complete by late September (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late September (previously late July) 2024 and expect to complete by early October (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early October (previously early August) 2024 and expect to complete by late October (previously early August) 2024.
Updated November 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Updated May 17, 2024: We have updated the content below to clarify the experience for EDU and FLW licensed users. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-September (previously mid-July) 2024 and expect to complete by late September (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late September (previously late July) 2024 and expect to complete by early October (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early October (previously early August) 2024 and expect to complete by late November (previously late October) 2024.
2024-11-08MC End Time12/09/2024 08:00:002025-01-06T08:00:00Z
2024-11-08MC SummaryMicrosoft Teams is introducing a new onboarding process for joining teams and channels, starting in mid-September 2024. This update, which applies to web and desktop versions, allows team owners to recommend channels, streamlining the experience for team members. Rollout will be automatic, with no admin action needed.Microsoft Teams is introducing a new onboarding process for teams and channels, with rollout timelines updated for various releases. The new feature allows team owners to recommend channels, and team members will initially see only the 'General' channel upon joining a team. This update is detailed under Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734. No admin action is required before the rollout.
2024-10-09MC Feature StatusRolling outLaunched
2024-10-04MC Feature RingStandard Release, Targeted ReleaseStandard Release
2024-10-04MC Feature StatusLaunchedRolling out
2024-08-08MC Feature Ringvaries
2024-08-08MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-08-06MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-08-06MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-05MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-08-04MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-03MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-08-02MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-02MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-08-01MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-08-01MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-31MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-31MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-29MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-27MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-23MC Last Updated05/17/2024 21:45:122024-07-22T22:46:30Z
2024-07-23MC MessagesUpdated May 17, 2024: We have updated the content below to clarify the experience for EDU and FLW licensed users. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by early August 2024.
Updated July 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-September (previously mid-July) 2024 and expect to complete by late September (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late September (previously late July) 2024 and expect to complete by early October (previously late July) 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early October (previously early August) 2024 and expect to complete by late October (previously early August) 2024.
2024-07-23MC End Time09/20/2024 09:00:002024-12-09T08:00:00Z
2024-07-23MC SummaryMicrosoft Teams is introducing a new onboarding process for joining teams and channels, starting in June 2024. This update, which applies to web and desktop versions, allows team owners to recommend channels, streamlining the experience for team members. Rollout will be automatic, with no admin action needed.Microsoft Teams is introducing a new onboarding process for joining teams and channels, starting in mid-September 2024. This update, which applies to web and desktop versions, allows team owners to recommend channels, streamlining the experience for team members. Rollout will be automatic, with no admin action needed.
2024-07-22MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-21MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-20MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-19MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-19MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-18MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-17MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-16MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-14MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-12MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-12MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-11MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-06MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-05MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-04MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-07-03MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-07-02MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-30MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-30MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-29MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-29MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-28MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-27MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-25MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-24MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-24MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-22MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-20MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-16MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-15MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-14MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-14MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-13MC Feature Status381734
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, StandardRelease
Desktop, Launched, StandardRelease
Web, Launched, StandardRelease
2024-06-13MC Feature Status381734
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Web, InRollout, TargetedRelease
All, Launched, TargetedRelease
Desktop, Launched, TargetedRelease
Web, Launched, TargetedRelease
2024-06-11MC Feature Status381734
All, Scheduled
Desktop, Scheduled
Web, Scheduled
All, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Desktop, InRollout, TargetedRelease
Web, InRollout, TargetedRelease
2024-05-18MC MessagesComing soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by early August 2024.
Updated May 17, 2024: We have updated the content below to clarify the experience for EDU and FLW licensed users. Thank you for your patience.
Coming soon in Microsoft Teams: A new way to join teams and channels. This message applies to new Teams for the web and Teams for desktop. It does not apply to Teams for iOS or Android.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381734.
[When this will happen:]
Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 and expect to complete by mid-June 2024.
General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC): We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.
General Availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out early August 2024 and expect to complete by early August 2024.
2024-05-18MC TitleMicrosoft Teams: New onboarding to teams and channels(Updated) Microsoft Teams: New onboarding to teams and channels
2024-05-18MC How AffectBefore this rollout, a team owner could mark a standard channel as Show for members while creating the channel or later from the team management page. These channels appeared automatically in the teams and channels list on the left side of the screen for all team members.
After this rollout:
A team owner will be able to recommend channels for team members to join. This functionality replaces Show for members.
When joining a new team, team members will see only the General channel. On the team onboarding page, additional channels may be tagged as Recommended by the team owner. Members can review channel details and opt into channels of interest. This rollout is designed to help team members join the most relevant channels, for a more streamlined experience in Teams.
The view from the Activity stream: A team owner adds a user to team (called Cross team collaboration) and recommends specific channels (Feature crew, General) for the user to show in the teams and channels list:

The view from the teams and channels list: General is the only channel shown when a team owner adds a user to team (called Cross team collaboration) and recommends additional channels (Feature crew, General) for the user to show in the teams and channels list
Before this rollout, a team owner could mark a standard channel as Show for members while creating the channel or later from the team management page. These channels appeared automatically in the teams and channels list on the left side of the screen for all team members.
After this rollout:
A team owner will be able to recommend channels for team members to join. This functionality replaces Show for members.
When joining a new team, team members will see only the General channel. On the team onboarding page, additional channels may be tagged as Recommended by the team owner. Members can review channel details and opt into channels of interest. This rollout is designed to help team members join the most relevant channels, for a more streamlined experience in Teams.
The view from the Activity stream: A team owner adds a user to team (called Cross team collaboration) and recommends specific channels (Feature crew, General) for the user to show in the teams and channels list:

The view from the teams and channels list: General is the only channel shown when a team owner adds a user to team (called Cross team collaboration) and recommends additional channels (Feature crew, General) for the user to show in the teams and channels list:

Note: Users with EDU and FLW licenses will continue to see "owner recommended" channels in their teams and channels list automatically.
2024-05-18MC Last Updated05/07/2024 00:44:442024-05-17T21:45:12Z
2024-05-18MC MessageTagNamesNew feature, User impactUpdated message, New feature, User impact

Last updated 1 month ago

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