MC790242 – (Updated) Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Reported mailbox notifications messages subject change (archived)

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check before: 2024-05-18


Defender, Defender for Office 365, Defender XDR, Exchange


Online, US Instances, World tenant


Change type:

Admin impact, Feature update, Updated message



Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is changing the subject line format for end-user reported notification messages to improve readability and rule creation. The rollout starts mid-June 2024 and ends mid-July 2024. No action is required from users as existing settings remain unaffected.

Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Currently, in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, when a notification message is reported by an end user and arrives at the reporting mailbox, the subject lines begin with:
"1|" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"2|" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"3|" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
Moving forward, the subject lines of notification messages reported by end users will start with
"Junk:" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"Not junk:" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"Phishing:" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
This change is being made to ensure readability and enable you to create better rules inside your reporting mailbox.
The subject line for the team's end-user reported notification messages will remain the same, continuing to start with "Security risk:"
[When will this happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete mid-July 2024 (previously mid-June).

Change Category:
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Direct effects for Operations**

- Direct Impact on IT Operations
- Change in subject line format for reported mailbox notifications may require updates to existing automated processes or scripts that rely on the previous subject line format.
- Roles impacted: IT Operations Team, Automation Engineers
- Potential increase in user inquiries or support tickets related to confusion over the new subject line format, leading to additional workload for IT support staff.
- Roles impacted: IT Support Team, Help Desk Staff
- Monitoring and reporting tools may need adjustments to accommodate the new subject line format for accurate data analysis and reporting.
- Roles impacted: IT Operations Analysts, Data Analysts

- Direct Impact on IT Services
- The change may affect email filtering rules set up by administrators, requiring them to review and possibly update these rules to ensure they function correctly with the new subject line format.
- Roles impacted: IT Administrators, Email System Administrators
- Integration with third-party security tools that analyze email subject lines may be disrupted, necessitating coordination with vendors for updates.
- Roles impacted: IT Security Team, Vendor Management Team
- The change could impact user training materials and documentation, requiring updates to ensure users understand the new format.
- Roles impacted: Training and Development Team, IT Documentation Specialists

- Direct Impact on IT Users
- Users may initially experience confusion regarding the new subject line format, leading to misinterpretation of reported messages and potential delays in addressing security issues.
- Roles impacted: End Users, Employees
- Users may need to adapt to the new subject line format when creating rules in their email clients, which could lead to temporary disruptions in their workflow.
- Roles impacted: End Users, Employees
- Increased communication from IT regarding the change may be necessary to ensure users are informed and prepared, potentially leading to information overload.
- Roles impacted: IT Communications Team, Change Management Team

- Microsoft Defender for Office 365 documentation: [Microsoft Docs](
- Microsoft Security settings: [Microsoft Security](
- Outlook rules setup: [Microsoft Support](


XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Potentional Risks**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

** AI generated content. This information is not reliable.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

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change history

2024-06-07MC MessagesCurrently, in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, when a notification message is reported by an end user and arrives at the reporting mailbox, the subject lines begin with:
"1|" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"2|" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"3|" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
Moving forward, the subject lines of notification messages reported by end users will start with
"Junk:" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"Not junk:" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"Phishing:" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
This change is being made to ensure readability and enable you to create better rules inside your reporting mailbox.
The subject line for the team's end-user reported notification messages will remain the same, continuing to start with "Security risk:"
[When will this happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out late May 2024 and expect to complete mid-June 2024.
Updated June 6, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.
Currently, in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, when a notification message is reported by an end user and arrives at the reporting mailbox, the subject lines begin with:
"1|" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"2|" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"3|" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
Moving forward, the subject lines of notification messages reported by end users will start with
"Junk:" to denote email messages reported as junk.
"Not junk:" to denote email messages reported as not junk.
"Phishing:" to denote email messages reported as phishing.
This change is being made to ensure readability and enable you to create better rules inside your reporting mailbox.
The subject line for the team's end-user reported notification messages will remain the same, continuing to start with "Security risk:"
[When will this happen:]
General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete mid-July 2024 (previously mid-June).
2024-06-07MC TitleMicrosoft Defender for Office 365: Reported mailbox notifications messages subject change(Updated) Microsoft Defender for Office 365: Reported mailbox notifications messages subject change
2024-06-07MC Last Updated05/04/2024 06:06:532024-06-06T22:54:54Z
2024-06-07MC MessageTagNamesFeature update, Admin impactUpdated message, Feature update, Admin impact
2024-06-07MC SummaryMicrosoft Defender for Office 365 is changing the subject line format for end-user reported notification messages to improve readability and rule creation. The rollout starts late May 2024 and ends mid-June 2024. No action is required from users as existing settings remain unaffected.Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is changing the subject line format for end-user reported notification messages to improve readability and rule creation. The rollout starts mid-June 2024 and ends mid-July 2024. No action is required from users as existing settings remain unaffected.

Last updated 3 months ago

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