
MC219613 – Updates to Teams usage reports in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center and the Teams Admin Center (archived)

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check before: 2020-08-07


Graph API, Microsoft 365 admin center, Microsoft 365 Apps, Teams


Developer, Online, Web, World tenant



Change type:

Admin impact, Feature update




Usage reports in the Microsoft 365 Center and Teams Admin Center will be updated to align with one another and ensure they are consistent with how Teams “active user” is already defined in Microsoft’s financial reporting and public disclosures. In those disclosures, we define “Daily Active User” as the maximum daily users performing an intentional action in the last 28-day period across the desktop client, mobile client and web client. Examples of an intentional action includes starting a chat, placing a call, sharing a file, editing a document within teams, participating in a meeting, and others. We strip out passive actions like auto boot, minimizing a screen, or closing the app. We also de-duplicate all actions across a single user ID.
With this update, the definition of “active user” in the Microsoft 365 and Teams Admin Centers will align with the definition for “Daily Active User” to include a more comprehensive set of intentional user actions and provide visibility into the use of more recently added features such as priority notifications. The usage reports will include usage of the free version of Teams in addition to users covered by paid licenses, for those organizations that have a combination of free and paid.
These updates to usage reports will provide customers with more accurate and granular visibility into how users in your organization are using Teams. In many cases these changes will result in changed usage numbers than previous reports were showing.
This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID "" 66163
When this will happen:
We will begin rolling this out at the end of August and expect to be complete by mid-September.

Change Category:


Release Phase:
General Availability



the free basic plan is required to see all details. Sign up here

A plan is required to see all the changed details. If you are already a customer, choose login.
If you are new to please choose a plan.

Last updated 2 years ago

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