474447 – Microsoft Copilot (Microsoft 365): Copilot Extensibility – Automatic project scaffolding in Teams Toolkit for building Graph connectors

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check before: 2025-05-01


Copilot, Teams


Developer, World tenant


In development

Change type:



Developers can now leverage an automatic project scaffolding for Graph connector applications within the Teams Toolkit, allowing for the generation of a full production-ready Graph connector application from just an API description file, significantly reducing setup time and complexity.

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability



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XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

summary for non-techies**

Microsoft's new feature in the Teams Toolkit allows developers to automatically generate a fully functional Graph connector application by simply providing an API description file, significantly reducing the complexity and time required for setup.

Direct effects for Operations**

Increased Risk of Deployment Failures
Without proper preparation, the automatic project scaffolding may lead to improperly configured Graph connector applications, resulting in deployment failures and downtime.
   - roles: Developers, IT Operations Team
   - references: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-developer-blog/announcing-microsoft-365-copilot-in-teams-toolkit/ba-p/3741230

User Experience Disruption
If the new Graph connector applications are not thoroughly tested before deployment, users may experience disruptions in accessing data and services, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.
   - roles: End Users, Support Staff
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-microsoft-365-copilot/

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

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Last updated 1 month ago

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