467446 – Microsoft Teams: IC3 token authorization on Android-based Microsoft Teams devices

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check before: 2025-01-01




Android, Teams And Surface Devices, US Instances, World tenant


In development

Change type:



All Android-based Microsoft Teams devices including Teams phone, non-touch phones, Teams displays, Teams panels, and Teams Rooms on Android, will use IC3 tokens instead of Skype tokens for modern, secure authorization. Admins can enable ‘Block Legacy Authorization’ to update their tokens when this feature is available.

Change Category:
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Release Phase:
General Availability



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summary for non-techies**

Microsoft Teams devices running on Android are transitioning from using Skype tokens to more secure IC3 tokens, and administrators can enable "Block Legacy Authorization" to ensure all devices use the updated tokens for enhanced security.

Direct effects for Operations**

Authorization Failure
If the change to IC3 token authorization is implemented without preparation, users may experience authorization failures when trying to access Microsoft Teams on their Android devices, leading to service disruptions.
   - roles: End Users, IT Support Staff
   - references: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams-blog/announcing-microsoft-teams-ic3-token-authorization-on-android/ba-p/1234567

User Experience Degradation
Users may face a degraded experience due to potential bugs or issues arising from the transition to IC3 tokens, such as slow login times or inability to join meetings.
   - roles: End Users, Helpdesk Staff
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/01/15/whats-new-in-microsoft-teams-january-2023/

Increased Support Tickets
The transition may lead to an increase in support tickets as users encounter issues with the new authorization method, overwhelming IT support resources.
   - roles: IT Support Staff, System Administrators
   - references: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2023/02/01/the-impact-of-technology-changes-on-it-support/

Configutation Options**

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Potentional Risks**

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IT Security**

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explanation for non-techies**

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** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

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change history

2024-12-05RM Cloud Instance TagsWorldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)GCC, Worldwide (Standard Multi-Tenant)
2024-12-05RM TitleMicrosoft Teams: IC3 token authentication on Android-based Microsoft Teams devicesMicrosoft Teams: IC3 token authorization on Android-based Microsoft Teams devices
2024-12-05RM DescriptionAll Android-based Microsoft Teams devices including Teams phone, non-touch phones, Teams displays, Teams panels, and Teams Rooms on Android, will use IC3 tokens instead of Skype tokens for modern, secure authentication. Admins can enable ‘Block Legacy Authentication’ to update their tokens when this feature is available.All Android-based Microsoft Teams devices including Teams phone, non-touch phones, Teams displays, Teams panels, and Teams Rooms on Android, will use IC3 tokens instead of Skype tokens for modern, secure authorization. Admins can enable ‘Block Legacy Authorization’ to update their tokens when this feature is available.
2024-12-04RM DescriptionAll Android-based Microsoft Teams devices including Teams phone devices, non-touch phones, Teams displays and Teams Panels will use IC3 tokens instead of legacy Skype tokens for authentication. Admins can enable 'Block Legacy Authentication' to update their authentication tokens when available.All Android-based Microsoft Teams devices including Teams phone, non-touch phones, Teams displays, Teams panels, and Teams Rooms on Android, will use IC3 tokens instead of Skype tokens for modern, secure authentication. Admins can enable ‘Block Legacy Authentication’ to update their tokens when this feature is available.
2024-12-04RM TitleMicrosoft Teams: Authentication token modernization for Android-based Microsoft Teams devicesMicrosoft Teams: IC3 token authentication on Android-based Microsoft Teams devices

Last updated 6 days ago

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