422719 – Microsoft 365 app: Microsoft Places – Space analytics

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check before: 2024-11-01


Outlook, Teams


Mac, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant


Rolling out

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Space analytics in Places provides dashboards for buildings, bookable rooms, and desk pools, providing a unified view of key metrics. Users can pick the space type of their interest and dive deeper to know more about its utilization.

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability



Docu to Check

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

summary for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Direct effects for Operations**

User Experience Degradation
Without proper preparation, users may face confusion and frustration due to a lack of understanding of the new space analytics features, leading to decreased productivity and potential misuse of resources.
   - roles: End Users, Facilities Managers
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/09/20/introducing-microsoft-places-space-analytics/

Data Misinterpretation
If users are not trained on how to interpret the space analytics dashboards, they may draw incorrect conclusions about space utilization, leading to poor decision-making regarding resource allocation.
   - roles: Data Analysts, Office Managers
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/09/20/introducing-microsoft-places-space-analytics/

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

Data Protection**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

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If you are new to cloudscout.one please choose a plan.

change history

2024-11-22RM StatusIn developmentRolling out

Last updated 3 weeks ago

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