411778 – Microsoft Copilot (Microsoft 365): Language expansion coming in M365 Copilot

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check before: 2024-09-01




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The Copilot for Microsoft 365 team is working on supporting 12 new languages across all M365 Copilot features: Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Greek, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenia, and Vietnamese. They're also improving the handling of these language variants: Dutch (Belgium), German (Switzerland), English (UK), Spanish (Mexico), and French (Canada).

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Release Phase:
General Availability



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Direct effects for Operations**

Language Support Issues
If the new language support is implemented without proper preparation, users may experience difficulties in understanding and utilizing the Copilot features, leading to decreased productivity and frustration.
   - roles: End Users, Support Staff
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/10/01/microsoft-365-copilot-language-expansion/

Integration Challenges
The integration of new languages may cause compatibility issues with existing applications and workflows, resulting in potential disruptions in user experience and operational efficiency.
   - roles: IT Administrators, End Users
   - references: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/10/01/microsoft-365-copilot-language-expansion/

Configutation Options**

Language Configuration in Microsoft 365 Copilot
Configure the supported languages for Microsoft 365 Copilot to ensure it meets the needs of your organization.
   - technical instructions: 1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center. 2. Navigate to Settings > Org settings. 3. Under 'Language', select the languages you want to enable for Copilot. 4. Save your changes.
   - references: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/setup/set-your-organization-s-default-language?view=o365-worldwide, https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-copilot-blog/microsoft-365-copilot-language-expansion/ba-p/3803453

Restricting Language Features in Microsoft 365 Copilot
Disable or restrict the use of certain language features in Microsoft 365 Copilot to control user experience.
   - technical instructions: 1. Access the Microsoft 365 admin center. 2. Go to Settings > Services & add-ins. 3. Select Microsoft 365 Copilot. 4. Under 'Language settings', toggle off the languages you wish to restrict. 5. Confirm and save your settings.
   - references: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-languages?view=o365-worldwide, https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-copilot-blog/microsoft-365-copilot-language-expansion/ba-p/3803453

Data Protection**

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** AI generated content. This information is not reliable.

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change history

2024-08-26RM DescriptionThe Copilot for Microsoft 365 team is working on supporting 12 new languages across all M365 Copilot features: Bulgarian?, Croatian?, Estonian?, Greek?, Indonesian?, Latvian?, Lithuanian?, Romanian?, Serbian (Latin)?, Slovak?, Slovenia,? and Vietnamese. They're also improving the handling of these language variants: Dutch (Belgium), German (Switzerland), English (UK), Spanish (Mexico), and French (Canada).The Copilot for Microsoft 365 team is working on supporting 12 new languages across all M365 Copilot features: Bulgarian, Croatian, Estonian, Greek, Indonesian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenia, and Vietnamese. They're also improving the handling of these language variants: Dutch (Belgium), German (Switzerland), English (UK), Spanish (Mexico), and French (Canada).

Last updated 3 weeks ago

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