407704 – Outlook: Sort and Filter improvements on Outlook on the Web and New Outlook for Windows

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check before: 2024-08-01




US Instances, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant



Change type:



Sort and Filter will now be separate buttons in the Message List. This will make it easier to change the Sorted by and the Filtered by values separately. #newoutlookforwindows

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability, Targeted Release



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XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Direct effects for Operations**

- Direct Impact on IT Operations and Services
- Potential for increased support tickets related to user confusion or difficulty adapting to the new Sort and Filter functionality.
- Roles impacted: IT Support Staff, Help Desk Technicians
- Reference: [IT Support Ticket Trends](https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-reduce-it-support-tickets/)
- Changes in user workflows may require updates to training materials and documentation to reflect the new features.
- Roles impacted: IT Trainers, Documentation Specialists
- Reference: [Importance of IT Documentation](https://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-importance-of-it-documentation/)

- Impact on IT Users and Administrators
- Users may experience temporary disruptions in their email management processes as they adjust to the new interface, potentially leading to decreased productivity.
- Roles impacted: All Outlook Users, Project Managers
- Reference: [User Experience and Productivity](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2021/07/12/how-user-experience-ux-design-can-improve-productivity-in-the-workplace/)
- Administrators may need to monitor user feedback and system performance closely post-implementation to address any unforeseen issues quickly.
- Roles impacted: IT Administrators, System Analysts
- Reference: [Change Management Best Practices](https://www.prosci.com/resources/articles/change-management-best-practices)

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

a free basic plan is required to see more details. Sign up here

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change history

2025-02-12RM StatusRolling outLaunched
2024-09-06RM StatusIn developmentRolling out

Last updated 6 days ago

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