392328 – Microsoft Teams: Chat for organizers and presenters in webinars

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check before: 2025-06-01




Mac, US Instances, Web, Windows Desktop, World tenant


In development

Change type:



Organizers, co-organizers, and presenters can chat privately in a separate chat from attendees. This chat is available to access before, during, and after the event.

Change Category:
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Release Phase:
General Availability, Targeted Release



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Direct effects for Operations**

- Direct Impact on IT Operations
- Increased demand for support and training resources
- IT administrators may need to provide additional training sessions or documentation for users to understand the new chat functionality.
- Potential for increased support tickets related to the new feature, requiring IT staff to allocate more time to resolve user issues.
- Roles impacted: IT Support Staff, IT Trainers

- Changes in monitoring and compliance requirements
- The introduction of private chat among organizers and presenters may necessitate updates to monitoring tools to ensure compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR).
- IT operations may need to adjust policies regarding data retention and access to ensure that private chats are appropriately managed.
- Roles impacted: IT Compliance Officers, IT Security Teams

- Direct Impact on IT Services
- Integration with existing communication and collaboration tools
- The new chat feature may require updates to existing integrations with other services (e.g., SharePoint, Outlook) to ensure seamless user experience.
- Potential for service disruptions if dependencies are not properly managed during the rollout of the new feature.
- Roles impacted: IT Service Managers, Application Integration Specialists

- User experience and productivity changes
- The ability for organizers and presenters to chat privately may enhance collaboration but could also lead to confusion among attendees if not communicated effectively.
- Users may need to adapt to the new feature, which could temporarily impact productivity as they learn how to utilize it effectively.
- Roles impacted: End Users, Team Leaders

- Microsoft Teams Updates: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=Microsoft%20Teams
- GDPR Compliance Guidelines: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en

** AI generated content. This information is not reliable.

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change history

2024-08-23RM ReleaseOctober CY2024June CY2025
2024-05-17RM ReleaseJuly CY2024October CY2024
2024-05-04RM ReleaseJune CY2024July CY2024

Last updated 4 weeks ago

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