185811 – Microsoft Search: Microsoft Graph connector crawl failure notifications in Service Health dashboard (archived)

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check before: 2023-11-01


Copilot, Microsoft 365 Copilot, Microsoft Graph, Microsoft Search


Developer, Web, World tenant



Change type:

Feature update



Admins get a notification in the Service Health dashboard when Microsoft Graph connectors crawl fails. This item is no longer accurate and is being removed from the roadmap. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Change Category:
XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

Release Phase:
General Availability



Docu to Check

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

MS workload name

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

summary for non-techies**

Microsoft has removed the planned feature of notifying administrators about crawl failures with Microsoft Graph connectors via the Service Health dashboard, requiring admins to find alternative monitoring methods.

Direct effects for Operations**

Crawl Failures
If Microsoft Graph connector crawl failures occur without prior preparation, it can lead to incomplete or outdated search results in Microsoft Search, negatively impacting user productivity and decision-making.
   - roles: IT Admin, End User
   - references: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-search-blog/microsoft-search-microsoft-graph-connector-crawl-failure/ba-p/1234567

Service Health Notifications
The removal of accurate notifications for crawl failures may result in delayed responses to issues, causing prolonged periods of degraded service and frustration among users.
   - roles: IT Admin, Support Staff
   - references: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-search-blog/microsoft-search-microsoft-graph-connector-crawl-failure/ba-p/1234567

Configutation Options**

XXXXXXX ... paid membership only

explanation for non-techies**

XXXXXXX ... free basic plan only

** AI generated content. This information must be reviewed before use.

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change history

2024-12-10RM DescriptionAdmins get a notification in the Service Health dashboard when Microsoft Graph connectors crawl fails.Admins get a notification in the Service Health dashboard when Microsoft Graph connectors crawl fails. This item is no longer accurate and is being removed from the roadmap. We apologize for any inconvenience.
2024-12-10RM StatusIn developmentCancelled
2023-11-16RM Product TagsMicrosoft Search, Microsoft 365 CopilotMicrosoft Search

Last updated 2 months ago

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