2024 CW 43 Microsoft 365 Message Center changes

from 10/21/2024 to 10/27/2024

30 Office 365 Message Center Items were changed and
17 Office 365 Message Center Items were added

Please note: Only common Message Center messages are in this list you should always check your Message Center for additional messages

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MC End Time changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC694129 (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: Adoption Score AI assistance category 12/30/2024 08:00:00 2025-03-03T08:00:00Z N/A
MC726122 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: View, download, and delete Microsoft OneDrive transcript files 11/18/2024 08:00:00 2025-01-06T08:00:00Z N/A
MC781595 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Tenant-wide policy for permission to download meeting transcription 11/18/2024 08:00:00 2025-01-06T08:00:00Z N/A
MC788952 (Updated) Updated handling of Microsoft Office documents in Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android 11/25/2024 08:00:00 2024-12-30T08:00:00Z N/A
MC800503 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New Cross-location shifts in the Shifts app 12/09/2024 09:00:00 2024-12-30T09:00:00Z N/A
MC806522 (Updated) Microsoft Viva Learning: Learner Completion Record bulk export 12/09/2024 08:00:00 2024-12-16T08:00:00Z N/A
MC823294 (Updated) Microsoft Lists app: New drag and drop feature 11/29/2024 09:00:00 2024-12-09T09:00:00Z N/A
MC847877 (Updated) Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Choose fonts while composing 11/29/2024 09:00:00 2025-01-20T09:00:00Z N/A
MC892647 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms 12/22/2024 09:00:00 2025-01-06T09:00:00Z N/A
MC894577 Data loss prevention and Oversharing in New Outlook – Supported conditions 12/02/2024 09:00:00 2025-01-06T09:00:00Z N/A
MC894579 (Updated) Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users 01/31/2025 09:00:00 2025-03-03T09:00:00Z N/A
MC916866 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) 01/06/2025 09:00:00 2025-03-03T09:00:00Z N/A

MC How Affect changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC805215 (Updated) Microsoft Clipchamp: The brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to all users You are receiving this message because users in your tenants have licenses which enable access to these capabilities. This update will not impact any other parts of your Microsoft 365 license or Microsoft 365 admin center.

Before this rollout: Users with the subscriptions in this message had no access to Brand kit in Clipchamp and manually managed brand assets when creating videos.

After this rollout, your users can expect these changes in Clipchamp:

Creation, sharing and manual usage of personal Brand kits is available via all work and education accounts.

Brand kit now supports elements beyond colors, fonts and logos including up to 300 each of: videos, music, sound effects, images, backgrounds, and stickers. All assets are stored on OneDrive or SharePoint.

Organization "official" Brand kits can be surfaced to all users opening Clipchamp across a tenant by placing the Brand kit in Organization Asset Library (OAL) - anticipated to be finalized by end of October.

What users will see

In Clipchamp, Brand kits can be created, used, or opened by anyone if the creator generates a link to share with them.

User-created Brand kits can be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint.

Up to 300 of these brand elements can be stored with the Brand kit: videos, sound effects, music, images, backgrounds, and stickers.

The default state of this feature is on and all users with the specified licenses can access it.

Clipchamp video editor with the Brand kit menu expanded to show example brand kits for Tailspin Toys and Microsoft. Select the Brand kit button from the left side of the screen
You are receiving this message because users in your tenants have licenses which enable access to these capabilities. This update will not impact any other parts of your Microsoft 365 license or Microsoft 365 admin center.

Before this rollout: Users with the subscriptions in this message had no access to brand kit in Clipchamp and manually managed brand assets when creating videos.

After this rollout, your users can expect these changes in Clipchamp:

Creation, sharing and manual usage of personal brand kits is available via all work and education accounts.

Brand kit now supports elements beyond colors, fonts and logos including up to 300 each of: videos, music, sound effects, images, backgrounds, and stickers. All assets are stored on OneDrive or SharePoint.

Organization "official" brand kits can be surfaced to all users opening Clipchamp across a tenant by placing the brand kit in Organization Asset Library (OAL).

What users will see

In Clipchamp, brand kits can be created, used, or opened by anyone if the creator generates a link to share with them.

User-created brand kits can be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint.

Up to 300 of these brand elements can be stored with the brand kit: videos, sound effects, music, images, backgrounds, and stickers.

The default state of this feature is on and all users with the specified licenses can access it.

Clipchamp video editor with the Brand kit menu expanded to show example brand kits for Tailspin Toys and Microsoft. Select the Brand kit button from the left side of the screen
MC834102 (Updated) External recipients MailTip offline behavior update for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android When your organization has external recipient MailTip warnings enabled, results will be cached from the MailTip service in the users' phones local databases, enabling Outlook to use these results to make determinations when it is unable to reach the MailTips service, such as when a user's device is offline.

A new optional administrative setting (InternalDomains) allows your organization to configure a list of internal domains to inform the external recipients warning in Outlook for iOS and Android when the MailTip service cannot be reached, such as when a user is offline.

If the client is unable to reach the MailTip service, cached results are not available, and an internal domain list is not provided, Outlook will compare the domain of the sending account to the domain of each recipient.

This feature update is available by default.
A new optional administrative setting (InternalDomains) allows your organization to configure a list of internal domains to inform the external recipients warning in Outlook for iOS and Android. If set, this list of domains will be used to make determinations for external recipient warnings rather than the MailTip service

This feature update is available by default.
MC902778 Microsoft Intune ending support for Android device administrator on devices with GMS access After Intune ends support for Android device administrator, devices with access to GMS will be impacted in the following ways:

Users will not be able to enroll devices with Android device administrator.

Intune will not make changes or updates to Android device administrator management, such as bug fixes, security fixes, or fixes to address changes in new Android versions.

Intune technical support will no longer support these devices.
After Intune ends support for Android device administrator, devices with access to GMS will be impacted in the following ways:

Intune will not make changes or updates to Android device administrator management, such as bug fixes, security fixes, or fixes to address changes in new Android versions.

Intune technical support will no longer support these devices.

MC Messages changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC688930 (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies Updated September 13, 2024: We have updated the content for clarity. Thank you for your patience.

App centric management (ACM) is on hold as of August 14, 2024, and will restart in mid-October (previously mid-September). Your experience during this hold will fall under one of the following, with Phases defined in detail below.

If your tenant has already been migrated to ACM, it will remain on ACM. The rest of this MC post is not applicable to your tenant.

If your tenant fell under the Phase 1 criteria of using only the Global app permission policy and no custom app permission policies, it will resume auto migration in mid-September.

If you do not have a draft currently saved, you will not be able to access ACM migration until the roll out restarts.

What is in Phase 2?

Migration wizard: a step-by-step guide to help you migrate the permission policies. You will be able to select which polities to migrate and designate users groups or individuals who should have access to the apps.

Testing and Validation: before finalizing the migration, you will have the opportunity to test and export your staged changes. You can use this to make side-by-side comparison with your current setup, ensuring everything is perfect before you proceed.

Duration: The migration process is designed to have no downtime for the end users and can take a few hours to complete. During the migration, your existing permission policies will remain in effect until the transition to app centric management completes.

Detailed documentation for the migration process is available at App centric management to manage user access to Teams apps - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn.

App centric management introduces new admin settings to control who in the tenant can install Teams apps. First, admins can set a default value for new apps that are published to the Teams app store. Second, admins can manage apps for users, groups, or everyone in the organization. This feature replaces the existing app permission policies and provides admins with the ability to manage access to the app individually. The app permission policies for existing customers are migrated to maintain existing app availability in the tenant.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 151829

[When this will happen:]

This feature will gradually roll out across three major phases.

Phase 1 (from late November 2023 to early November 2024 (previously late September) affects the tenants that use only the Global app permission policy and have no custom app permission policies. The app status from the permission policy and tenant settings will be migrated to preserve the admin intent. The migration will not affect the end users and their ability to use the apps. Admins may see the Manage apps page in a read-only mode for a short time.

Phase 2 (from late May 2024 to early November 2024 (previously late September)) affects the tenants that use both global and custom app permission policies. This phase will let the admin choose to migrate to app centric management by following a migration process that will change the existing app permission policies to app assignments in the new app centric model. The admins will have the choice to modify the apps that are assigned using the custom permission policies to be accessible to groups, if they want.

Phase 3 (early 2025) applies to the tenants that skipped the migration in phase 1 or 2. These tenants will be migrated automatically in this phase. More details to come as a follow up MC post.

Updated October 24, 2024: The migration to app-centric management using the Migration Wizard (referenced as Phase 2 in this post) is expected to resume by mid-November 2024. At that time, administrators will be able to self-initiate the migration using the wizard. The automatic migration for customers with only a global permission policy (Phase 1) and those with multiple permission policies (Phase 3) will be postponed until early 2025. Further updates, including the details for Phase 3 auto-migration, will be provided in a future MC post update and public documentation.

App centric management (ACM) is on hold as of August 14, 2024, and will restart in mid-October (previously mid-September). Your experience during this hold will fall under one of the following, with Phases defined in detail below.

If your tenant has already been migrated to ACM, it will remain on ACM. The rest of this MC post is not applicable to your tenant.

If your tenant fell under the Phase 1 criteria of using only the Global app permission policy and no custom app permission policies, it will resume auto migration in mid-September.

If you do not have a draft currently saved, you will not be able to access ACM migration until the roll out restarts.

What is in Phase 2?

Migration wizard: a step-by-step guide to help you migrate the permission policies. You will be able to select which polities to migrate and designate users groups or individuals who should have access to the apps.

Testing and Validation: before finalizing the migration, you will have the opportunity to test and export your staged changes. You can use this to make side-by-side comparison with your current setup, ensuring everything is perfect before you proceed.

Duration: The migration process is designed to have no downtime for the end users and can take a few hours to complete. During the migration, your existing permission policies will remain in effect until the transition to app centric management completes.

Detailed documentation for the migration process is available at App centric management to manage user access to Teams apps - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn.

App centric management introduces new admin settings to control who in the tenant can install Teams apps. First, admins can set a default value for new apps that are published to the Teams app store. Second, admins can manage apps for users, groups, or everyone in the organization. This feature replaces the existing app permission policies and provides admins with the ability to manage access to the app individually. The app permission policies for existing customers are migrated to maintain existing app availability in the tenant.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 151829

[When this will happen:]

This feature will gradually roll out across three major phases.

Phase 1 (from late November 2023 to early November 2024 (previously late September) affects the tenants that use only the Global app permission policy and have no custom app permission policies. The app status from the permission policy and tenant settings will be migrated to preserve the admin intent. The migration will not affect the end users and their ability to use the apps. Admins may see the Manage apps page in a read-only mode for a short time.

Phase 2 (from late May 2024 to early November 2024 (previously late September)) affects the tenants that use both global and custom app permission policies. This phase will let the admin choose to migrate to app centric management by following a migration process that will change the existing app permission policies to app assignments in the new app centric model. The admins will have the choice to modify the apps that are assigned using the custom permission policies to be accessible to groups, if they want.

Phase 3 (early 2025) applies to the tenants that skipped the migration in phase 1 or 2. These tenants will be migrated automatically in this phase. More details to come as a follow up MC post.

MC694129 (Updated) Microsoft 365 admin center: Adoption Score AI assistance category Updated June 14, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are introducing a new people experiences category in Adoption Score in the Microsoft 365 admin center. The new category helps organizations understand the adoption of Microsoft Copilot features in Microsoft 365. This AI assistance category includes a score on a 100-point scale to help track the overall adoption of Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365. This score for the AI assistance category will be available in preview and will not impact the overall Adoption Score.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 185700

[When this will happen:]

Preview: We will begin rolling out late November 2023 and expect to complete the rollout by early December 2023.

Worldwide: We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously late June) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously late July).
Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are introducing a new people experiences category in Adoption Score in the Microsoft 365 admin center. The new category helps organizations understand the adoption of Microsoft Copilot features in Microsoft 365. This AI assistance category includes a score on a 100-point scale to help track the overall adoption of Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365. This score for the AI assistance category will be available in preview and will not impact the overall Adoption Score.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 185700

[When this will happen:]

Preview: We will begin rolling out late November 2023 and expect to complete the rollout by early December 2023.

Worldwide: We will begin rolling out early January 2025 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by late January 2025 (previously mid-November).
MC711018 (Updated) Microsoft Exchange Online: Support for inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC Updated July 17, 2024: We have updated the rollout timing below. Thank you for your patience.

We are adding support for DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (or DANE) for SMTP and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for inbound mail to Exchange Online. DANE for SMTP is a security protocol that uses DNS to verify the authenticity of the certificates used for securing email communication with TLS and protecting against TLS downgrade attacks. DNSSEC is a set of extensions to DNS that provides cryptographic verification of DNS records, preventing DNS-spoofing and adversary-in-the-middle attacks to DNS.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 63213.

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out in July 2024.

General Availability: We begin rolling out early September 2024 (previously late August) and expect to complete by late October 2024 (previously late September).

Updated October 22, 2024: Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC is now in General Availability. Thank you for your patience.

We are adding support for DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (or DANE) for SMTP and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) for inbound mail to Exchange Online. DANE for SMTP is a security protocol that uses DNS to verify the authenticity of the certificates used for securing email communication with TLS and protecting against TLS downgrade attacks. DNSSEC is a set of extensions to DNS that provides cryptographic verification of DNS records, preventing DNS-spoofing and adversary-in-the-middle attacks to DNS.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 63213.

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out in July 2024.

General Availability: We begin rolling out early September 2024 (previously late August) and expect to complete by late October 2024 (previously late September).

MC726122 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: View, download, and delete Microsoft OneDrive transcript files Updated August 2, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are beginning the process to standardize all transcript storage to OneDrive, starting with the storage of transcripts for meetings that only have transcription enabled. Previously, meetings with only transcription enabled saved the transcript file to the meeting organizer's Exchange Online, while meetings with both recording and transcription enabled saved two transcript copies-one that is coupled with the recording saved to OneDrive and another transcript copy saved to the meeting organizer's Exchange Online.

Now with this feature, meetings that have only transcription enabled will also save two copies (one in OneDrive and one in Exchange Online), but all meeting transcript entry points in Teams app will point to the OneDrive copy only, no entry points for meeting transcripts will source from the Exchange Online copy. At the same time, meeting transcripts will stop saving in Exchange Online altogether and all transcript storage will be standardized on OneDrive only.

The rollout of this feature also improves both the experience of meeting organizers to manually delete the transcript, as well as the ability for IT administrators to apply retention policies to the transcripts from meetings that only had transcription enabled.

A summary of the deletion experience for meeting transcripts is captured in the following table:

UserType of transcript deletionPrevious experienceNew Experience with this feature rollout

Meeting organizer/co-organizer Manually from Teams appOnly deleted Exchange Online transcript fileDeletes both copies of the transcript file from OneDrive and Exchange Online

Meeting organizer/co-organizerManually from StreamOnly deletes the transcript file stored in OneDriveOnly deletes the transcript file stored in OneDrive

IT AdministratorRetention policies in Teams Admin CenterOnly available for copies saved in OneDrive, so only applicable to meetings with recording turned on.Now the retention policy is also applicable to meetings with only transcription enabled and to the transcript file saved in OneDrive.

To bulk delete transcript files saved in Exchange Online-please refer to this documentation

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 365720

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 (previously mid-May) and expect to complete by mid-June 2024 (previously late May).

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously mid-August).

GCC High: We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.

DoD: We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024.

Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are beginning the process to standardize all transcript storage to OneDrive, starting with the storage of transcripts for meetings that only have transcription enabled. Previously, meetings with only transcription enabled saved the transcript file to the meeting organizer's Exchange Online, while meetings with both recording and transcription enabled saved two transcript copies-one that is coupled with the recording saved to OneDrive and another transcript copy saved to the meeting organizer's Exchange Online.

Now with this feature, meetings that have only transcription enabled will also save two copies (one in OneDrive and one in Exchange Online), but all meeting transcript entry points in Teams app will point to the OneDrive copy only, no entry points for meeting transcripts will source from the Exchange Online copy. At the same time, meeting transcripts will stop saving in Exchange Online altogether and all transcript storage will be standardized on OneDrive only.

The rollout of this feature also improves both the experience of meeting organizers to manually delete the transcript, as well as the ability for IT administrators to apply retention policies to the transcripts from meetings that only had transcription enabled.

A summary of the deletion experience for meeting transcripts is captured in the following table:

UserType of transcript deletionPrevious experienceNew Experience with this feature rollout

Meeting organizer/co-organizer Manually from Teams appOnly deleted Exchange Online transcript fileDeletes both copies of the transcript file from OneDrive and Exchange Online

Meeting organizer/co-organizerManually from StreamOnly deletes the transcript file stored in OneDriveOnly deletes the transcript file stored in OneDrive

IT AdministratorRetention policies in Teams Admin CenterOnly available for copies saved in OneDrive, so only applicable to meetings with recording turned on.Now the retention policy is also applicable to meetings with only transcription enabled and to the transcript file saved in OneDrive.

To bulk delete transcript files saved in Exchange Online-please refer to this documentation

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 365720

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 (previously mid-May) and expect to complete by mid-June 2024 (previously late May).

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete by late August 2024 (previously mid-August).

GCC High: We will begin rolling out late August 2024 and expect to complete by mid-September 2024.

DoD: We will begin rolling out late September 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously mid-October).

MC750668 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Access Workflows from the three-dot menu on shared file Updated October 4, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon: Microsoft Teams will be bringing Workflows powered by Microsoft Power Automate to the three-dot menu for files shared in Teams chat or channels.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381643.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release: We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.

Worldwide: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

GCC: We will begin rolling out early December 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by mid-December 2024 (previously early November).
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon: Microsoft Teams will be bringing Workflows powered by Microsoft Power Automate to the three-dot menu for files shared in Teams chat or channels.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 381643.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

Worldwide: We will begin rolling out early November 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously early November).

GCC: We will begin rolling out early December 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by mid-December 2024 (previously early November).
MC781595 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Tenant-wide policy for permission to download meeting transcription Updated August 2, 2024: We have updated the content below for accuracy. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon for Microsoft Teams: A new policy for IT admis to restrict permissions to download new meeting transcript files (stored in Microsoft OneDrive) for all users in the tenant. Admins can exempt people from the policy who are members of specified security groups such as governance or compliance specialists who require download access to meeting transcripts. This rollout applies to Teams for Mac and Teams for desktop.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 332800.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 (previously mid-May) and expect to complete by mid-June 2024 (previously late May).

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete by late June 2024 (previously early June).

General Availability (GCC High): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 (previously mid-July) and expect to complete by mid-September 2024 (previously late July)

General Availability (DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 (previously mid-August) and expect to complete by mid-October 2024 (previously late August).
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the content below for accuracy. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon for Microsoft Teams: A new policy for IT admis to restrict permissions to download new meeting transcript files (stored in Microsoft OneDrive) for all users in the tenant. Admins can exempt people from the policy who are members of specified security groups such as governance or compliance specialists who require download access to meeting transcripts. This rollout applies to Teams for Mac and Teams for desktop.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 332800.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early June 2024 (previously mid-May) and expect to complete by mid-June 2024 (previously late May).

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-June 2024 (previously late May) and expect to complete by late June 2024 (previously early June).

General Availability (GCC High): We will begin rolling out late August 2024 (previously mid-July) and expect to complete by mid-September 2024 (previously late July)

General Availability (DoD): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 (previously mid-August) and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously mid-October).
MC788952 (Updated) Updated handling of Microsoft Office documents in Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android Updated September 17, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

With this feature update, if both the Microsoft 365 app and the standalone apps for Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint are installed on a user's mobile device, the standalone app will be given preference for opening its respective file type over the Microsoft 365 app.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 (previously early August) and expect to complete by mid-October 2024 (previously mid-September).
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

With this feature update, if both the Microsoft 365 app and the standalone apps for Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or Microsoft PowerPoint are installed on a user's mobile device, the standalone app will be given preference for opening its respective file type over the Microsoft 365 app.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 (previously early August) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously mid-October).
MC796790 Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams: Unified management of Teams apps in Teams, Outlook, and the Microsoft 365 app Updated September 13, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

In 2023, we introduced Microsoft Teams apps that are compatible with Microsoft Outlook and the Microsoft 365 App (manifest version v1.13 or higher). Before this rollout, admin changes made in the Integrated apps section of the Microsoft 365 admin center would only affect these Teams apps in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Similarly, changes made in the Teams admin center would exclusively affect Teams. Starting in June 2024, we will roll out Unified App Management to streamline the management of these apps across Teams, Outlook and the Microsoft 365 App, so they are consistently available across all supported clients.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 393931.

[When this will happen:]

This rollout will happen in three major phases. Unified App Management can apply only to tenants that have migrated to app centric management in Teams admin center, as communicated in MC688930 (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies (November 2023).

Phase 1 | General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete early November 2024 (previously late August): This phase applies to tenants with no modified settings in either the Microsoft 365 admin center (Integrated apps) or the Teams admin center for organization-wide defaults, app deployment, app availability, or block/unblock. No merge rules apply to these tenants, but after this phase, any app management setting configured in either admin centers will apply to all relevant hosts.

Phase 2: We will update this post with a timeline and more details. This phase is applicable to tenants with app settings that have differences between Microsoft 365 admin center (Integrated apps) and Teams admin center, and who have maintained a single app setup policy in Teams that has a modified Installed apps section.

Phase 3: We will update this post with a timeline and more details. This phase applies to all remaining tenants.
Updated October 25, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline and the phasing below. Thank you for your patience.

In 2023, we introduced Microsoft Teams apps that are compatible with Microsoft Outlook and the Microsoft 365 App (manifest version v1.13 or higher). Before this rollout, admin changes made in the Integrated apps section of the Microsoft 365 admin center would only affect these Teams apps in Outlook and the Microsoft 365 app. Similarly, changes made in the Teams admin center would exclusively affect Teams. Starting in June 2024, we will roll out Unified App Management to streamline the management of these apps across Teams, Outlook and the Microsoft 365 App, so they are consistently available across all supported clients.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 393931.

[When this will happen:]

This rollout will happen in two major phases. Unified App Management can apply only to tenants that have migrated to app centric management in Teams admin center, as communicated in MC688930 (Updated) Teams admin center: App centric management and changes to app permission policies (November 2023).

Phase 1 | General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-December 2024 (previously July 2024) and expect to complete mid-January 2025 (previously late November 2024). This phase applies to tenants with no modified settings in either the Microsoft 365 admin center (Integrated apps) or the Teams admin center for organization-wide defaults, app deployment, app availability, or block/unblock. No merge rules apply to these tenants, but after this phase, any app management setting configured in either admin centers will apply to all relevant hosts.

Phase 2: We will update this post with a timeline and more details. This phase is applicable to tenants with app settings that have differences between Microsoft 365 admin center (Integrated apps) and Teams admin center, and who have maintained a single app setup policy in Teams that has a modified Installed apps section.
MC800503 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New Cross-location shifts in the Shifts app Updated October 16, 2024. We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Note: If you are not using frontline worker functionality, you can ignore this message.

Coming soon to Microsoft Teams: Cross-location Shifts is a new feature in the Microsoft Shifts app for Teams that enables frontline managers to offer open shifts across multiple locations in a region so managers can share the labor pool and workers can select available shifts across different locations. This message applies to Microsoft Teams for Desktop, web, Mac and Mobile.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 394351.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously early October) and expect to complete by late October 2024 (previously mid-October).

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).
Updated October 22, 2024. We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Note: If you are not using frontline worker functionality, you can ignore this message.

Coming soon to Microsoft Teams: Cross-location Shifts is a new feature in the Microsoft Shifts app for Teams that enables frontline managers to offer open shifts across multiple locations in a region so managers can share the labor pool and workers can select available shifts across different locations. This message applies to Microsoft Teams for Desktop, web, Mac and Mobile.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 394351.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early November 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously early-November).
MC803292 (Updated) Modernized user-defined permissions experience for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Updated October 9, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

There is a new experience for selecting which users should have which permissions when a sensitivity label configured for user-defined permissions is applied to a file in Microsoft 365 apps or when a user applies protection using standalone Information Rights Management.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189826

[When this will happen:]

Preview (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early September 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late September).

Updated October 25, 2024: We recently discovered a significant issue that has resulted in the temporary disabling of this feature until it is resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

There is a new experience for selecting which users should have which permissions when a sensitivity label configured for user-defined permissions is applied to a file in Microsoft 365 apps or when a user applies protection using standalone Information Rights Management.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 189826

[When this will happen:]

Preview (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early September 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late September).

MC805215 (Updated) Microsoft Clipchamp: The brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to all users Updated 9/25/2024: The content for this release has been updated. Thank you for your patience.

In Microsoft Clipchamp, the Brand kit feature enables users to create and share brand asset collections including colors, fonts and logos to use when creating videos. With this rollout, users with these subscriptions will have Brand kit as a standard feature in Clipchamp:

Microsoft 365 E3 and E5

Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Business Standard

Microsoft 365 A3 and A5

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 398992.

This message applies to Clipchamp for Windows and for the web.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out mid-July 2024 and expect to complete by late July 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late August 2024.
Updated October 25, 2024: Please review this message as the content for this release has been significantly updated. Thank you for your patience.

In Microsoft Clipchamp, the Brand kit feature enables users to create and share brand asset collections including colors, fonts and logos to use when creating videos. With this rollout, users with these subscriptions will have brand kit as a standard feature in Clipchamp:

Microsoft 365 E3 and E5

Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Business Standard

Microsoft 365 A3 and A5

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 398992.

This message applies to Clipchamp for Windows and for the web.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: Feature rollout is complete.

General Availability (Worldwide): Brand kit is now a standard feature for all users.
MC806522 (Updated) Microsoft Viva Learning: Learner Completion Record bulk export Updated September 25, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

In Microsoft Viva Learning, the updated Learner Completion Record bulk export is an extension of the existing feature to download Learner Completion records by Microsoft 365 user groups and security groups. Bulk export empowers enterprises to download learner records of multiple users at once using the Microsoft 365 user groups and security groups.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 334050

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously mid-September) and expect to complete by late October 2024 (previously late September).

Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

In Microsoft Viva Learning, the updated Learner Completion Record bulk export is an extension of the existing feature to download Learner Completion records by Microsoft 365 user groups and security groups. Bulk export empowers enterprises to download learner records of multiple users at once using the Microsoft 365 user groups and security groups.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 334050

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

MC808165 (Updated) Microsoft Purview eDiscovery | Modernized eDiscovery in new Microsoft Purview portal Updated September 20, 2024: We have updated the image below. Thank you for your patience.

A modernized new user experience (UX) for Microsoft Purview eDiscovery will be available in the Purview portal. In this new UX experience, Content Search, eDiscovery Standard, and eDiscovery Premium are unified so that users can now navigate a shared workflow that simplifies the transition between non-premium and premium features. This UX modernization also introduces features that enhance the eDiscovery process. Some of these new features include:

Enhanced search efficiency with message ID and sensitivity labels for faster access to information.

Use of the improved search by Sensitive Information Type (SIT) interface for user-friendly selection without manual input.

Advanced Data Source Mapping allows linking a user's OneDrive using input such as the user's mailbox Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address or user's name, streamlining data retrieval and management.

Acceleration through powerful investigation capabilities, such as user's frequent collaborators, providing a comprehensive view of the user's networks.

Data Source Sync: Stay updated with the new Data Source synchronization feature, which allows users to easily track any new or removed data locations, ensuring that eDiscovery investigations remain aligned with the latest data source landscape.

Introduction of the new visual Statistics allows users to gain insights at a glance (such as Results containing Sensitive Information Types, top communication participants, etc.)

Monitor long-running processes with an informed and transparent progress bar with the option to cancel (for certain process types) if needed.

Obtain a full process report for all actions taken, such as statistics for holds and exports, bolstering the defensibility of your eDiscovery efforts.

Customize your exports with new settings, including the option to export as a single PST file path truncation and the use of friendly names to make exported data more accessible.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 383744

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 (previously early October) and expect to complete by late December 2024 (previously late November)

Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

A modernized new user experience (UX) for Microsoft Purview eDiscovery will be available in the Purview portal. In this new UX experience, Content Search, eDiscovery Standard, and eDiscovery Premium are unified so that users can now navigate a shared workflow that simplifies the transition between non-premium and premium features. This UX modernization also introduces features that enhance the eDiscovery process. Some of these new features include:

This new experience enhances Content Search security by placing all searches in an eDiscovery case. eDiscovery administrators and managers will have default access, with the ability to manage membership and control access to content searches. Users who are not eDiscovery administrators or managers will need to request to be added as case member in order to access content search.

Enhanced search efficiency with message ID and sensitivity labels for faster access to information.

Use of the improved search by Sensitive Information Type (SIT) interface for user-friendly selection without manual input.

Advanced Data Source Mapping allows linking a user's OneDrive using input such as the user's mailbox Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address or user's name, streamlining data retrieval and management.

Acceleration through powerful investigation capabilities, such as user's frequent collaborators, providing a comprehensive view of the user's networks.

Data Source Sync: Stay updated with the new Data Source synchronization feature, which allows users to easily track any new or removed data locations, ensuring that eDiscovery investigations remain aligned with the latest data source landscape.

Introduction of the new visual Statistics allows users to gain insights at a glance (such as Results containing Sensitive Information Types, top communication participants, etc.)

Monitor long-running processes with an informed and transparent progress bar with the option to cancel (for certain process types) if needed.

Obtain a full process report for all actions taken, such as statistics for holds and exports, bolstering the defensibility of your eDiscovery efforts.

Customize your exports with new settings, including the option to export as a single PST file path truncation and the use of friendly names to make exported data more accessible.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 383744

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out late July 2024 and expect to complete by late September 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 (previously early October) and expect to complete by late December 2024 (previously late November)

MC809602 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New skin tone settings and reactions Updated October 16, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

With skin tone settings and reactions in Microsoft Teams, users will be able to set a preferred skin tone for relevant emojis and reactions. Each user can change their own skin tone setting in the Teams app Settings > Appearance and accessibility menu or in the emoji/reaction menu on Desktop or web. The skin tone rollout will apply to emojis and reactions in chats, channels, and meetings on all Teams platforms (Teams for Desktop, Teams for web, Teams for Mac, and Teams Mobile).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 323766.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously early October) and expect to complete by late October 2024 (mid-October).

General availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

General availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 (previously early November) and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late October).
Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

With skin tone settings and reactions in Microsoft Teams, users will be able to set a preferred skin tone for relevant emojis and reactions. Each user can change their own skin tone setting in the Teams app Settings > Appearance and accessibility menu or in the emoji/reaction menu on Desktop or web. The skin tone rollout will apply to emojis and reactions in chats, channels, and meetings on all Teams platforms (Teams for Desktop, Teams for web, Teams for Mac, and Teams Mobile).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 323766.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early November 2024 (previously late October).

General availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early November 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously early November).

General availability (GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 (previously mid-November) and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late October).
MC814577 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Roster grouping for in-room participants through Proximity Join for Teams Rooms Updated September 25, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

When joining a meeting in Teams Room on Windows with a companion device (laptop or mobile), in-room participants will be grouped under the room node. Participants must join through Proximity Join. This update includes additional UI elements to create visual clarity of the in-room participants who are together.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 400702

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 (previously mid-September) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously late September).

General Availability (GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 and expect to complete rollout by late November 2024 (previously late October).

Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

When joining a meeting in Teams Room on Windows or Android with a companion device (laptop or mobile), in-room participants will be grouped under the room node. Participants must join through Proximity Join. This update includes additional UI elements to create visual clarity of the in-room participants who are together.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 400702

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late September 2024 (previously mid-September) and expect to complete by mid-November 2024 (previously late September).

General Availability (GCC, GCC High, DoD): We will begin rolling out mid-September 2024 and expect to complete rollout by late October 2024 (late September).
MC834102 (Updated) External recipients MailTip offline behavior update for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android Updated October 10, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

This feature update expands how Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android gives external recipient warnings when the client cannot reach the MailTip service.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DOD): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late September).
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

This feature update expands how Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android gives external recipient warnings.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High, DOD): We will begin rolling out mid-August 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late September).
MC847877 (Updated) Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: Choose fonts while composing Updated September 25, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: We will add support for choosing fonts while composing emails. We will also improve support for fonts while reading emails.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 409969.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 (previously mid-September) and expect to complete by early November 2024. (previously early October).
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android: We will add support for choosing fonts while composing emails. We will also improve support for fonts while reading emails.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 409969.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC, GCC High): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by early December 2024. (previously early November).
MC887373 (Updated) Microsoft Purview: Minor encrypted message portal design updates, URL to remain the same Updated October 11, 2024: The Microsoft Purview Message Encryption portal will undergo minor design updates to align with Purview branding. Organizations may need to update training and documentation accordingly.

Microsoft will be updating fonts, colors, controls, and more to align with Purview branding. These changes are designed to enhance the user experience without causing any disruptions.

We will be proceeding with the minor design updates on the portal (fonts, colors, controls and more). These changes are to align with Purview branding and should not disrupt users.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-December 2024.
Updated October 23, 2024: The Microsoft Purview Message Encryption portal will undergo minor design updates to align with Purview branding. Organizations may need to update training and documentation accordingly.

Microsoft will be updating fonts, colors, controls, and more to align with Purview branding. These changes are designed to enhance the user experience without causing any disruptions.

We will be proceeding with the minor design updates on the portal (fonts, colors, controls and more). These changes are to align with Purview branding and should not disrupt users.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by late December 2024 (previously mid-December).
MC889528 (Updated) Microsoft Teams apps and Microsoft Copilot extensions: New security and certification information By consolidating information from multiple sources in one place, this feature will provide admins responsible for the Microsoft Teams app and Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 extension deployment with comprehensive security and certification information for faster assessment of compliance with tenant security standards. The information will include outcomes from specific Microsoft 365 certification tests and evidence, as available, submitted by ISVs during Microsoft's audit of their app or Copilot extension. Also, for non-certified apps, admins will receive details on data handling, security, and compliance as self-attested by the ISV. This feature is available in the Teams admin center (TAC) and the Microsoft 365 admin center (MAC).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 412935.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-November 2024.
Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

By consolidating information from multiple sources in one place, this feature will provide admins responsible for the Microsoft Teams app and Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 extension deployment with comprehensive security and certification information for faster assessment of compliance with tenant security standards. The information will include outcomes from specific Microsoft 365 certification tests and evidence, as available, submitted by ISVs during Microsoft's audit of their app or Copilot extension. Also, for non-certified apps, admins will receive details on data handling, security, and compliance as self-attested by the ISV. This feature is available in the Teams admin center (TAC) and the Microsoft 365 admin center (MAC).

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 412935.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out late October 2024 (previously mid-October) and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously mid-November).
MC892647 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms Coming soon to Microsoft Teams: When users connect their laptop to a room's shared peripheral through USB, Teams will automatically detect the room's audio and recommend the room audio option on the pre-join screen to help streamline a user's entry into a bring your own device (BYOD) meeting room. If a room's audio peripherals are recognized as shared or they are on Microsoft's known BYOD peripherals list, the room audio option will be suggested to users. After users connect the peripheral to their laptop and join a meeting, users will automatically transition to the room's audio if a room's audio peripherals are recognized as shared and are on Microsoft's known BYOD peripherals list* or if the room's audio peripheral is associated** to a room via the Microsoft Teams Pro management portal. A shared peripheral is one that is being used by multiple users, which distinguishes it from a personal peripheral. This message applies to Teams on Windows desktops and Mac desktops.

*Use shared display mode in meeting rooms - Microsoft Support (will be updated with a list of known BYOD peripherals before rollout)

**Bring Your Own Device Rooms in Teams Pro Management portal (will be updated before rollout)

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 413710.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by late October 2024.
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon to Microsoft Teams: When users connect their laptop to a room's shared peripheral through USB, Teams will automatically detect the room's audio and recommend the room audio option on the pre-join screen to help streamline a user's entry into a bring your own device (BYOD) meeting room. If a room's audio peripherals are recognized as shared or they are on Microsoft's known BYOD peripherals list, the room audio option will be suggested to users. After users connect the peripheral to their laptop and join a meeting, users will automatically transition to the room's audio if a room's audio peripherals are recognized as shared and are on Microsoft's known BYOD peripherals list* or if the room's audio peripheral is associated** to a room via the Microsoft Teams Pro management portal. A shared peripheral is one that is being used by multiple users, which distinguishes it from a personal peripheral. This message applies to Teams on Windows desktops and Mac desktops.

*Use shared display mode in meeting rooms - Microsoft Support (will be updated with a list of known BYOD peripherals before rollout)

**Bring Your Own Device Rooms in Teams Pro Management portal (will be updated before rollout)

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 413710.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-October 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-October 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024 (previously late October).
MC894579 (Updated) Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users Users with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on Windows desktops and the web will soon have access to an updated version of the Office Add-ins Store in these applications. This store will continue to support users in exploring, installing, and managing Office Add-ins provided by Microsoft and third parties.

With this new feature, minor users will no longer be permanently blocked from getting Office Add-ins from the Office Add-ins Store.

Learn more:

View, manage, and install add-ins for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word - Microsoft Support

Understand how to configure the Age Group property in Microsoft Entra admin center

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will communicate timing with a new Message center post in the future.
Updated October 25, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Users with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on Windows desktops and the web will soon have access to an updated version of the Office Add-ins Store in these applications. This store will continue to support users in exploring, installing, and managing Office Add-ins provided by Microsoft and third parties.

With this new feature, minor users will no longer be permanently blocked from getting Office Add-ins from the Office Add-ins Store.

Learn more:

View, manage, and install add-ins for Excel, PowerPoint, and Word - Microsoft Support

Understand how to configure the Age Group property in Microsoft Entra admin center

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out late November 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by mid-December 2024 (previously late November).

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out middle January 2025 and expect to complete by late January 2025.
MC901823 (Updated) Microsoft Places will be generally available in Q4 CY24 Microsoft Places, an AI-powered workplace app for flexible work, will be generally available in Q4 CY24. Places reimagines flexible work with AI by intelligently coordinating your hybrid team to make the most of in-office days, modernizing how employees connect, and optimizing space management with occupancy and utilization data.

There will be two new service plans for core and premium features:

Places Core (PLACES_CORE)

Places Enhanced (Microsoft Places Premium) (PLACES_ENHANCED)

As an existing customer, you will see an additional service plan as part of your Office 365 subscription: Places Core. This service plan includes all core features such as setting up and updating location plans, viewing collaborators' location plans, accessing peek card experiences, scheduling in person meetings, managing hybrid RSVP, and workplace presence related capabilities.

If you have Teams Premium, you will have Places Enhanced premium features like Places Finder, intelligent booking, Places Explorer, Places Space Analytics, and auto-release policies.

We will be backfilling these service plans into the following SKUs below.

List of SKUs for Places Core:

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Microsoft 365 Business Standard

Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Microsoft 365 or Office 365 E1, E3, E5

Microsoft 365 or Office 365 F3

List of SKUs for additional Teams-specific features in Places Core:

Microsoft Teams Essentials

Microsoft Teams Enterprise

Microsoft Teams EEA

List of SKUs for Places Enhanced:

Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing

We will begin rolling out both service plans in mid- to late-November for all platforms. Once the Places core service plan is deployed to your organization, core features will become available within your Office 365 subscription with basic set up and onboarding buildings to Places directory. Enhanced experiences will require additional deployment planning.

Learn about Microsoft Places and the value that Places delivers for flexible work. Participate in our public preview and begin conversations with your IT Admin, relevant BDMs (RE&F) and leadership teams to understand how they are implementing hybrid work policies and managing occupancy & utilization challenges today. Start to gather workplace locations, existing floor plans, etc. to get ready for onboarding plans.

Learn more:

Microsoft Places

Microsoft Places: Using AI for flexible work | Microsoft 365 Blog

Microsoft Places overview - Microsoft 365 Places | Microsoft Learn

Deployment guide for Places - Microsoft 365 Places | Microsoft Learn

Updated October 23, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Microsoft Places, an AI-powered workplace app for flexible work, will be generally available in Q4 CY24. Places reimagines flexible work with AI by intelligently coordinating your hybrid team to make the most of in-office days, modernizing how employees connect, and optimizing space management with occupancy and utilization data.

There will be two new service plans for core and premium features:

Places core (PLACES_CORE)

Places enhanced (Microsoft Places premium) (PLACES_ENHANCED)

As an existing customer, you will see an additional service plan as part of your Office 365 subscription: Places core. This service plan includes all core features such as setting up and updating location plans, viewing collaborators' location plans, accessing peek card experiences, scheduling in person meetings, managing hybrid RSVP, and workplace presence related capabilities.

If you have Teams Premium, you will have Places enhanced premium features like Places Finder, intelligent booking, Places Explorer, Places Space Analytics, and auto-release policies.

We will be backfilling these service plans into the following SKUs below.

List of SKUs for Places core:

Microsoft 365 Business Basic

Microsoft 365 Business Standard

Microsoft 365 Business Premium

Microsoft 365 or Office 365 E1, E3, E5

Microsoft 365 or Office 365 F3

List of SKUs for additional Teams-specific features in Places core:

Microsoft Teams Essentials

Microsoft Teams Enterprise

Microsoft Teams EEA

List of SKUs for Places enhanced:

Microsoft Teams Premium Introductory Pricing

We will begin rolling out both service plans in mid- to late-November for all platforms. Once the Places core service plan is deployed to your organization, core features will become available within your Office 365 subscription with basic set up and onboarding buildings to Places directory. Enhanced experiences will require additional deployment planning.

Please note: 1) Microsoft 365 or Office 365 F1 will have access to core features and 2) A SKUs are still being discussed. In the meantime, current EDU customers in public preview will continue to be supported.

Learn about Microsoft Places and the value that Places delivers for flexible work. Participate in our public preview and begin conversations with your IT Admin, relevant BDMs (RE&F) and leadership teams to understand how they are implementing hybrid work policies and managing occupancy & utilization challenges today. Start to gather workplace locations, existing floor plans, etc. to get ready for onboarding plans.

Learn more:

Microsoft Places

Microsoft Places: Using AI for flexible work | Microsoft 365 Blog

Microsoft Places overview - Microsoft 365 Places | Microsoft Learn

Deployment guide for Places - Microsoft 365 Places | Microsoft Learn

MC902778 Microsoft Intune ending support for Android device administrator on devices with GMS access As mentioned in MC726113/MC674247, Google has deprecated Android device administrator management, continues to remove management capabilities, and no longer provides fixes or improvements. Due to these changes, Intune will be ending support for Android device administrator management on devices with access to Google Mobile Services (GMS) beginning December 31, 2024. Until that time, we will support device administrator management on devices running Android 14 and earlier. For more details, read the blog: https://aka.ms/Intune-Android-DA-blog. Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

As mentioned in MC726113/MC674247, Google has deprecated Android device administrator management, continues to remove management capabilities, and no longer provides fixes or improvements. Due to these changes, Intune will be ending support for Android device administrator management on devices with access to Google Mobile Services (GMS) beginning December 31, 2024. Until that time, we will support device administrator management on devices running Android 14 and earlier. For more details, read the blog: https://aka.ms/Intune-Android-DA-blog.
MC904540 (Updated) Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention: Diagnostics now in the Purview compliance portal Coming soon to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal: To assist you in diagnosing issues encountered while using Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Data Loss Prevention (DLP), we will release a new experience where you can run diagnostics to help identify the root cause of issues and provide remediation options. Before this rollout, these diagnostics were only available as Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 418566.

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out late October 2024 and expect to complete by mid-November 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out early January 2025 and expect to complete by mid-January 2025.
Updated October 22, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Coming soon to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal: To assist you in diagnosing issues encountered while using Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) and Data Loss Prevention (DLP), we will release a new experience where you can run diagnostics to help identify the root cause of issues and provide remediation options. Before this rollout, these diagnostics were only available as Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 418566.

[When this will happen:]

Public Preview: We will begin rolling out early December 2024 (previously late October) and expect to complete by late December 2024 (previously mid-November).

General Availability (Worldwide): We will begin rolling out mid-February 2025 (previously early January) and expect to complete by late February 2025 (previously mid-January).
MC912181 Microsoft SharePoint: Add approvals to any document library As an extension to the previous communication MC757613 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Add approvals to any SharePoint list (originally sent March 2024, updated August 2024), we will soon add approvals to document libraries in Microsoft SharePoint Online.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 420336.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early November 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early December 2024 and expect to complete by late January 2024.
As an extension to the previous communication MC757613 (Updated) Microsoft SharePoint: Add approvals to any SharePoint list (originally sent March 2024, updated August 2024), we will soon add approvals to document libraries in Microsoft SharePoint Online.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 420336.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted Release: We will begin rolling out early November 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024.

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): We will begin rolling out early December 2024 and expect to complete by late January 2025.
MC912707 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New policy for voice and face enrollment will default to "On" (configure now) A new csTeamsAIPolicy policy for Microsoft Teams (available now via Microsoft PowerShell and taking effect in mid-January 2025) will give IT admins more control over voice and face enrollment settings, allowing organizations to manage these features based on their needs. After rollout, voice and face profile enrollment will be enabled by default, and users can benefit from voice isolation, speaker recognition, and attribution in meeting rooms, resulting in smarter meeting recaps and enhanced functionality for Microsoft 365 Copilot in meetings. To access Copilot features, a Microsoft 365 Copilot license is required. This message applies to Teams for Windows desktop and Mac desktop.

NOTE: Microsoft doesn't use the voice and face profiles of users to train any models or for any other purposes other than providing the voice and face enrollment feature in Microsoft Teams.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 413708.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): The new Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets are available now for preparation and to ensure a smooth transition. The policy takes effect starting in mid-January 2025 and is expected to be fully in effect by mid-January 2025.
Updated October 25, 2024: We have updated the content. Thank you for your patience.

A new csTeamsAIPolicy policy for Microsoft Teams (available now via Microsoft PowerShell and taking effect in mid-January 2025) will give IT admins more control over voice and face enrollment settings, allowing organizations to manage these features based on their needs. After rollout, voice and face profile enrollment will be enabled by default, and users can benefit from voice isolation, speaker recognition, and attribution in meeting rooms, resulting in smarter meeting recaps and enhanced functionality for Microsoft 365 Copilot in meetings. To access Copilot features, a Microsoft 365 Copilot license is required. This message applies to Teams for Windows desktop and Mac desktop.

NOTE: Microsoft doesn't use the voice and face profiles of users to train any models or for any other purposes other than providing the voice and face enrollment feature in Microsoft Teams.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 413708.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide, GCC): The new Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets are available now for preparation and to ensure a smooth transition. The policy takes effect starting in mid-January 2025 and is expected to be fully in effect by mid-January 2025.
MC916866 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) The Shifts Graph APIs will transition from beta to production. This change brings enhanced stability and reliability to the APIs, ensuring a seamless experience for developers and users.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 422813.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide and GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-November 2024 and expect to complete by late November 2024.

Updated October 24, 2024: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

The Shifts Graph APIs will transition from beta to production. This change brings enhanced stability and reliability to the APIs, ensuring a seamless experience for developers and users.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 422813.

[When this will happen:]

General Availability (Worldwide and GCC): We will begin rolling out mid-January 2025 (previously mid-November) and expect to complete by late January 2025 (previously late November).


MC MessageTagNames changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC889528 (Updated) Microsoft Teams apps and Microsoft Copilot extensions: New security and certification information New feature, User impact, Admin impact Updated message, New feature, User impact, Admin impact N/A
MC892647 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms Feature update, User impact Updated message, Feature update, User impact N/A
MC894579 (Updated) Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users New feature, User impact, Admin impact Updated message, New feature, User impact, Admin impact N/A
MC901823 (Updated) Microsoft Places will be generally available in Q4 CY24 User impact, Admin impact Updated message, User impact, Admin impact N/A
MC902778 Microsoft Intune ending support for Android device administrator on devices with GMS access Admin impact, Retirement Updated message, Admin impact, Retirement 12/31/2024
MC904540 (Updated) Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention: Diagnostics now in the Purview compliance portal New feature, Admin impact Updated message, New feature, Admin impact N/A
MC912707 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New policy for voice and face enrollment will default to "On" (configure now) Feature update, User impact, Admin impact Updated message, Feature update, User impact, Admin impact N/A
MC915486 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Users can take control during screensharing on the web Feature update, User impact Updated message, Feature update, User impact N/A
MC916866 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) Feature update, User impact, Admin impact Updated message, Feature update, User impact, Admin impact N/A

MC prepare changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC788952 (Updated) Updated handling of Microsoft Office documents in Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android Review the app management policies for your organization. If you currently restrict users to only the use of the Microsoft 365 app for document opening and editing, consider allowing the standalone apps for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for use as well. You also may want to notify your users about this change and update your training and documentation as appropriate. Review the app management policies for your organization. If you currently restrict users to only the use of the Microsoft 365 app for document opening and editing, consider allowing the standalone apps for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for use as well. You also may want to notify your users about this change and update your training and documentation as appropriate.

Additional Resources:

Changes to file open behavior for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files on Outlook iOS and Android - Microsoft Community Hub

MC805215 (Updated) Microsoft Clipchamp: The brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to all users When this change takes effect, please make note of the new feature in Clipchamp for your administrative records and ensure that you update any relevant provisioning documentation, as needed.

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified dates with no admin action required before the rollout. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

Learn more: How to use brand kit in Clipchamp - Microsoft Support



When this change takes effect, please make note of the new feature in Clipchamp for your administrative records and ensure that you update any relevant provisioning documentation, as needed.

This rollout will happen automatically by the specified dates with no admin action required before the rollout. You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

Learn more: How to use brand kit in Clipchamp - Microsoft Support



MC834102 (Updated) External recipients MailTip offline behavior update for Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android Manage the option to provide a list of external domains to provide external recipient MailTip warnings by Outlook for iOS and Android. For more information, see External recipients MailTip offline domain configuration.

You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.

Manage the option to provide a list of external domains to provide external recipient MailTip warnings by Outlook for iOS and Android. For more information, see External recipients MailTip domain configuration.

You may want to notify your users about this change and update any relevant documentation as appropriate.


MC Title changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC805215 (Updated) Microsoft Clipchamp: The brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to all users Microsoft Clipchamp: The Brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to Microsoft subscriptions (Updated) Microsoft Clipchamp: The brand kit feature is rolling out with extended elements to all users N/A
MC814577 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Roster grouping for in-room participants through Proximity Join for Teams Rooms (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Roster grouping for in-room participants through Proximity Join for Teams Rooms on Windows (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Roster grouping for in-room participants through Proximity Join for Teams Rooms N/A
MC889528 (Updated) Microsoft Teams apps and Microsoft Copilot extensions: New security and certification information Microsoft Teams apps and Microsoft Copilot extensions: New security and certification information (Updated) Microsoft Teams apps and Microsoft Copilot extensions: New security and certification information N/A
MC892647 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Auto-detect and pre-select room audio in BYOD meeting rooms N/A
MC894579 (Updated) Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users (Updated) Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint: Update to Office Add-ins Store policy for minor users N/A
MC901823 (Updated) Microsoft Places will be generally available in Q4 CY24 Microsoft Places will be generally available in Q4 CY24 (Updated) Microsoft Places will be generally available in Q4 CY24 N/A
MC904540 (Updated) Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention: Diagnostics now in the Purview compliance portal Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention: Diagnostics now in the Purview compliance portal (Updated) Microsoft Purview | Data Loss Prevention: Diagnostics now in the Purview compliance portal N/A
MC912707 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New policy for voice and face enrollment will default to "On" (configure now) Microsoft Teams: New policy for voice and face enrollment will default to "On" (configure now) (Updated) Microsoft Teams: New policy for voice and face enrollment will default to "On" (configure now) N/A
MC915486 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Users can take control during screensharing on the web Microsoft Teams: Users can give and take control during screensharing on the web (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Users can take control during screensharing on the web N/A
MC916866 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) N/A

CW43 New Office 365 Message Center items

MC ID MC Title MC Category MC Workload MC Major Change MC Action required by
MC915497 SharePoint list and library rules will send from the no-reply@sharepointonline.com email address Stay Informed SharePoint Online False N/A
MC915492 New Microsoft Outlook for Windows: Add Microsoft accounts with non-Microsoft email addresses Plan For Change Microsoft 365 apps False N/A
MC915491 What’s new in the Microsoft Intune Service Update for October 2024 Stay Informed Microsoft Intune False N/A
MC915487 Eligible users can now signup for Teams Exploratory on MOBILE Plan For Change Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC915486 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Users can take control during screensharing on the web Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC915485 Microsoft SharePoint: Updates to font management capabilities Plan For Change SharePoint Online False N/A
MC916298 iOS Build now included in ActiveSyncDeviceAccess rule for Outlook on iOS Stay Informed Microsoft 365 apps False N/A
MC916297 Outlook for iOS to match Android Authenticator Auto Open Behavior Plan For Change Microsoft 365 apps False N/A
MC916294 New Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business Call Hold Synchronization Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC916866 (Updated) Microsoft Teams: Shifts Graph APIs in beta moved to production (v1.0) Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC917752 Microsoft Viva Engage: Community settings for Community Resources and Files tab Plan For Change Microsoft Viva False N/A
MC917748 Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook: Name pronunciation on the profile card Stay Informed Exchange Online, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 for the web, Microsoft 365 apps False N/A
MC917742 Microsoft Viva Engage (Yammer): Enhanced audit log schema Plan For Change Microsoft Viva False N/A
MC918575 Microsoft Teams: Watermark for anonymous meeting join Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC918573 Improved search for content around people Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC918563 Microsoft Exchange Online Protection (Defender for Office 365): Monitor action in Safe attachments policy will retire Plan For Change Exchange Online, Microsoft Defender XDR True N/A
MC918562 Microsoft Teams: Stream Custom Agent and Bot Responses Plan For Change Microsoft Teams False N/A

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