2022 CW 39 Microsoft 365 Message Center changes

from 09/19/2022 to 09/25/2022

12 Office 365 Message Center Items were changed and 16 Office 365 Message Center Items were added

Please note: Only common Message Center messages are in this list you should always check your Message Center for additional messages

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MC End Time changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC313659 (Updated) Shared focus plan in Viva Insights 11/30/2022 08:00:00 2022-12-30T08:00:00Z N/A
MC362284 (Updated) OneDrive sync app will automatically configure accounts 10/31/2022 08:00:00 2023-01-09T08:00:00Z N/A
MC390413 (Updated) Microsoft Teams Connect shared channels general availability 10/25/2022 09:00:00 2022-11-04T08:00:00Z N/A
MC405984 (Updated) Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites 02/01/2023 09:00:00 2023-05-31T10:00:00Z N/A
MC408694 (Updated) New 'Activity' Column in OneDrive 'My Files' list view 11/04/2022 08:00:00 2022-12-02T08:00:00Z N/A
MC417898 (Updated) Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights 10/18/2022 09:00:00 2022-11-10T08:00:00Z N/A
MC428511 (Updated) Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner Web 10/05/2022 09:00:00 2022-12-02T08:00:00Z N/A
MC428521 Announcing Azure AD dynamic membership type group in Dataverse group teams 10/09/2022 23:56:38 2022-11-09T22:56:00Z N/A

MC How Affect changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC295027 (Updated) Rich text and images in Planner task notes To support this capability, we are introducing a new rich text enabled task notes field in the Planner Microsoft Graph API. This will result in two task notes fields in our API – the new “rich text task notes field” and the existing “plain text task notes field.” When this feature launches, Planner for the Web and for Teams (Tasks app) will support rich text in task notes. Other Planner experiences in iOS, Android, SharePoint, and Power Automate will only support plain text task notes, but we plan to update these apps to support rich text at a later date.

When this feature update is deployed, all existing task notes content will be preserved in the new rich text enabled task notes field, so users will be able to continue viewing and editing notes without interruption.

We will maintain compatibility between the rich text task notes field and plain text task notes field by ensuring both fields’ contents stay in sync.

If a user edits the rich text task notes field, all content is synced to the plain text task notes field automatically. Any rich content is converted to plain text and synced to the plain text task notes field.

If a user edits the plain text task notes field via the Microsoft Graph API or via a client which only supports the plain text field, the contents in the plain text task notes field is synced to the rich text task notes field without modification. Therefore edits to the plain text task notes field will result in the removal of any pre-existing rich text, text formatting, or images in the rich text notes field.

If a user chooses to insert images in the rich text task notes field, a preview of the image will appear in the task notes field. End users should not see any interruption in their Planner experiences. They can continue using task notes as they do today but gain the ability to insert rich text and view image previews in task notes if desired (for Planner experiences which support it).
To support this capability, we are introducing a new rich text enabled task notes field in the Planner Microsoft Graph API. This will result in two task notes fields in our API – the new “rich text task notes field” and the existing “plain text task notes field.” When this feature launches, Planner for the Web and for Teams (Tasks app) will support rich text in task notes. Other Planner experiences in iOS, Android, SharePoint, and Power Automate will only support plain text task notes, but we plan to update these apps to support rich text at a later date.

When this feature update is deployed, all existing task notes content will be preserved in the new rich text enabled task notes field, so users will be able to continue viewing and editing notes without interruption.

We will maintain compatibility between the rich text task notes field and plain text task notes field by ensuring both fields’ contents stay in sync.

If a user edits the rich text task notes field, all content is synced to the plain text task notes field automatically. Any rich content is converted to plain text and synced to the plain text task notes field.

If a user edits the plain text task notes field via the Microsoft Graph API or via a client which only supports the plain text field, the contents in the plain text task notes field is synced to the rich text task notes field without modification. Therefore edits to the plain text task notes field will result in the removal of any pre-existing rich text, or text formatting in the rich text notes field.
MC430100 (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams Meeting effectiveness surveys offer a new way to provide feedback to meeting organizers and help improve future meetings. The surveys are displayed at the end of select meetings in Teams with 5+ attendees and feature the following questions:

1) What made the meeting a success (with agenda, focused discussions, attendee participation and clear next steps as choices to choose from).

2) What would have made it better (with agenda, focused discussions, attendee participation and clear next steps as choices to choose from).

3) How effective was the meeting at achieving its business goals (answered with a star rating).

UX for Meeting effectiveness surveys – sample attendees survey:

Organizer view on the Effective meetings tab:

Meeting organizers with Viva Insights subscriptions can see aggregated results in the Viva Insights app in Teams - including an aggregated view of the star rating response and access to individual but anonymous meeting feedback. Organizers also gain insights around how their meetings succeeded and how they can be improved. Meeting Effectiveness surveys are turned on by default for all users. Administrators have the option to turn it off for their entire organization or enable it for just a specific set of users within their organization. Organizers also have an option to turn off meeting effectiveness surveys using the effective meetings plan feature.

Effective meeting plans are shared plans that users with Viva Insights subscriptions can set up for themselves and their colleagues to promote healthy meeting norms. The meeting plan can be customized in the following ways to automate research-backed meeting best practices:

1) Automatically shorten duration of all meetings (start late or end early) to take a breather between back-to-back meetings to promote team wellbeing.

2) Automatically include a Microsoft Teams meeting link to all your meetings to promote inclusion of in-person and remote attendees.

3) Get feedback from your meeting participants through meeting effectiveness surveys.

UX flow for meeting effectiveness plan:

1) To create a shared meeting plan, navigate to the MEP feature by clicking on shared meeting plan on the far right corner on the effective meetings tab in VITA insights.

2) Clicking on get started, takes us to a description of what the feature entails

3) Get started lets us customize our meeting norms using the options discussed above.

4) Step 2 is sharing our meeting norms with colleagues. We auto populate this form with frequently met users when there is sufficient meetings datnsp;

5) Once done, we can navigate back to your meeting plan by clicking on edit on your shared meeting plan.

6) When you are part of a plan, you are able to leave a plan or make changes to the plan. Until we make changes or leave a plan, these settings take effect in all of our meetings.

Meeting effectiveness surveys offer a new way to provide feedback to meeting organizers and help improve future meetings. The surveys are displayed at the end of select meetings in Teams with 5+ attendees and feature the following questions:

1) What made the meeting a success (with agenda, focused discussions, attendee participation and clear next steps as choices to choose from).

2) What would have made it better (with agenda, focused discussions, attendee participation and clear next steps as choices to choose from).

3) How effective was the meeting at achieving its business goals (answered with a star rating).

UX for Meeting effectiveness surveys – sample attendees survey:

Organizer view on the Effective meetings tab:

Meeting organizers with Viva Insights subscriptions can see aggregated results in the Viva Insights app in Teams - including an aggregated view of the star rating response and access to individual but anonymous meeting feedback. Organizers also gain insights around how their meetings succeeded and how they can be improved. Meeting Effectiveness surveys are turned on by default for all users. Administrators have the option to turn it off for their entire organization or enable it for just a specific set of users within their organization. Organizers also have an option to turn off meeting effectiveness surveys using the effective meetings plan feature.

Effective meeting plans are shared plans that users with Viva Insights subscriptions can set up for themselves and their colleagues to promote healthy meeting norms. The meeting plan can be customized in the following ways to automate research-backed meeting best practices:

1) Automatically shorten duration of all meetings (start late or end early) to take a breather between back-to-back meetings to promote team wellbeing.

2) Automatically include a Microsoft Teams meeting link to all your meetings to promote inclusion of in-person and remote attendees.

3) Get feedback from your meeting participants through meeting effectiveness surveys.

UX flow for meeting effectiveness plan:

1) To create a shared meeting plan, navigate to the MEP feature by clicking on shared meeting plan on the far right corner on the effective meetings tab in VITA insights.

2) Clicking on get started, takes us to a description of what the feature entails

3) Get started lets us customize our meeting norms using the options discussed above.

4) Step 2 is sharing our meeting norms with colleagues. We auto populate this form with frequently met users when there is sufficient meetings data

5) Once done, we can navigate back to your meeting plan by clicking on edit on your shared meeting plan.

6) When you are part of a plan, you are able to leave a plan or make changes to the plan. Until we make changes or leave a plan, these settings take effect in all of our meetings.


MC Messages changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC295027 (Updated) Rich text and images in Planner task notes Updated September 15, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are adding support for rich text (bold, italics, underline, etc.) and images in the Planner task notes field.

NOTE: We will update this post once we have Microsoft Graph documentation for the new rich text task notes field available.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85688.

[When this will happen:]

We expect to begin rolling out the new rich text task notes field in late October (previously early September) and we expect to complete the rollout by mid-November (previously late September).
Updated September 22, 2022: We have updated the content below to reflect support for images will be coming in the future and we will communicate via Message center when available. Thank you for your patience.

We are adding support for rich text (bold, italics, underline, etc.) in the Planner task notes field. Support for images is coming in the future.

NOTE: We will update this post once we have Microsoft Graph documentation for the new rich text task notes field available.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85688.

[When this will happen:]

We expect to begin rolling out the new rich text task notes field in late October (previously early September) and we expect to complete the rollout by mid-November (previously late September).
MC313659 (Updated) Shared focus plan in Viva Insights Updated August 30, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Viva insights is releasing new capabilities to help teams protect time for focused work. The shared focus plan will enable managers and team leads with a Microsoft Viva Insights license to foster mutual productivity norms and drive a positive team culture by inviting teams to coordinate focus time for uninterrupted work.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88839.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release starting in early March (previously late January).

Standard Release will begin rolling out in late September (previously late August) and we expect the rollout to be complete by late October (previously late September).
Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Viva insights is releasing new capabilities to help teams protect time for focused work. The shared focus plan will enable managers and team leads with a Microsoft Viva Insights license to foster mutual productivity norms and drive a positive team culture by inviting teams to coordinate focus time for uninterrupted work.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88839.

[When this will happen:]

Targeted release starting in early March (previously late January).

Standard Release will begin rolling out in late October (previously late September) and we expect the rollout to be complete by late November (previously late October).
MC360766 (Updated) Loop components in Outlook Mail Preview Updated September 15, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Loop components are live, interactive, collaborative objects that you can embed in team chats and now also on emails. When you send a Loop component, everyone in the email can edit it inline—and see changes instantly. That means you can collaborate right inside an email message. To give it a try, compose a new email or reply to an existing one and insert a Loop component via the toolbar or copy and paste components between email and Teams chats.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93234

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out to Outlook on the web Targeted release in early August (previously late May) and expect it to be completed by late August (previously late June).

We will begin rolling out to Outlook Windows desktop Current Channel (Preview) in early August (previously late May) and expect it to be completed by late September (previously late August).

General availability of Loop components in Outlook for Web and Windows desktop is expected to begin in November (previously September) and complete by late December (previously late September)

Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Loop components are live, interactive, collaborative objects that you can embed in team chats and now also on emails. When you send a Loop component, everyone in the email can edit it inline—and see changes instantly. That means you can collaborate right inside an email message. To give it a try, compose a new email or reply to an existing one and insert a Loop component via the toolbar or copy and paste components between email and Teams chats.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93234

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out to Outlook on the web Targeted release in early August (previously late May) and expect it to be completed by late August (previously late June).

We will begin rolling out to Outlook Windows desktop Current Channel (Preview) in early August (previously late May) and expect it to be completed by late September (previously late August).

General availability of Loop components for Outlook on the Web and Windows desktop is expected to begin in November (previously September) and complete by late December (previously late September)

MC362284 (Updated) OneDrive sync app will automatically configure accounts Updated July 25, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

This release will enable the OneDrive sync app to sign into an account even quicker. Users will experience an improved single sign-on experience by automatically being able to see their OneDrive files within their file browser upon sign in or OneDrive app update.

On Windows, users who are signed into the device with an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account will see their OneDrive folder start syncing without entering their account credentials.

On macOS, users who are signed into another Microsoft app (i.e., Office, Teams, Edge, etc.) will see their OneDrive folder start syncing without entering their account credentials.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93242.

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out in mid-August (previously early July) and expect to complete by late September (previously late July).

Updated September 19, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

This release will enable the OneDrive sync app to sign into an account even quicker. Users will experience an improved single sign-on experience by automatically being able to see their OneDrive files within their file browser upon sign in or OneDrive app update.

On Windows, users who are signed into the device with an Azure Active Directory (AAD) account will see their OneDrive folder start syncing without entering their account credentials.

On macOS, users who are signed into another Microsoft app (i.e., Office, Teams, Edge, etc.) will see their OneDrive folder start syncing without entering their account credentials.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93242.

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out in early November (previously mid-August) and expect to complete by early December (previously early September).

MC373889 (Updated) Upcoming behavior change to the "DoNotRewrite" List Updated August 5, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

With the deployment of the Tenant Allow/Block List, as being the single source of truth for Tenant Allows, other mechanisms for Tenant Allows are being removed. This will give SecOps teams one place to manage all Tenant Allows.

Today, “DoNotRewrite” list is used to Skip

wrapping URLs



The intended purpose of "DoNotRewrite" is to give tenants the ability to skip the wrapping of URLs. With the deployment of the Tenant Allow Block List, it is expected that all tenant allows (ex Detonation(SONAR) and Verdicts) shall be managed there.

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling this out in early June and expect to complete by late September (previously late July).

Updated September 20, 2022: Based on learnings from our early rings, we have made the decision to make additional changes before we proceed with the rollout. We will deliver a new Message center post once we re-start the rollout. Thank you for your patience.

With the deployment of the Tenant Allow/Block List, as being the single source of truth for Tenant Allows, other mechanisms for Tenant Allows are being removed. This will give SecOps teams one place to manage all Tenant Allows.

Today, “DoNotRewrite” list is used to Skip

wrapping URLs



The intended purpose of "DoNotRewrite" is to give tenants the ability to skip the wrapping of URLs. With the deployment of the Tenant Allow Block List, it is expected that all tenant allows (ex Detonation(SONAR) and Verdicts) shall be managed there.

[When this will happen:]

We will communicate via Message center when we are ready to proceed.

MC390413 (Updated) Microsoft Teams Connect shared channels general availability Updated September 7, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Teams Connect Shared channels will be generally available in the coming weeks. Shared channels is a new channel type, in addition to the existing standard and private channel types. Shared channels enable users to collaborate seamlessly with internal and external partners beyond the boundaries of a team.

Invite individuals or entire teams to a shared channel. These can either be from your org or from an external Azure AD org. Once added to a shared channel external users can access the channel right from their Teams account without having to switch organizations.

Note: External collaboration is off by default.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 94820

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling this out in mid-July and expect to complete it by mid-August. - Complete

Rollout to GCC cloud will begin early August and complete by mid-September (previously late August).

Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Teams Connect Shared channels will be generally available in the coming weeks. Shared channels is a new channel type, in addition to the existing standard and private channel types. Shared channels enable users to collaborate seamlessly with internal and external partners beyond the boundaries of a team.

Invite individuals or entire teams to a shared channel. These can either be from your org or from an external Azure AD org. Once added to a shared channel external users can access the channel right from their Teams account without having to switch organizations.

Note: External collaboration is off by default.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 94820

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling this out in mid-July and expect to complete it by mid-August. - Complete

Rollout to GCC cloud will begin early August and complete by late September (previously mid-September).

MC405984 (Updated) Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites SharePoint recommends a maximum of 2,000 lists and libraries per site, and 2,000 subsites per site. These have been long standing limits for SharePoint but have not been formally enforced.

There have been cases where some sites exceeded these limits, resulting in poor site performance and low-quality viewing experience. One of the most impacted areas is the API performance that degrades significantly when users access data on the sites that exceed their recommended limits. The API calls may time out or get throttled, blocking the users from opening the site or resulting in unexpected failures. In some extreme cases, the issue can impact functionalities beyond these sites.

To ensure site performance and help customers have the best possible experience, Microsoft will implement a safeguard to prevent customers from exceeding these limits.

[When will this happen:]

The enforcement of the limits will start in early November and will be completely enforced by late December.

Updated September 19, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

SharePoint recommends a maximum of 2,000 lists and libraries per site, and 2,000 subsites per site. These have been long standing limits for SharePoint but have not been formally enforced.

There have been cases where some sites exceeded these limits, resulting in poor site performance and low-quality viewing experience. One of the most impacted areas is the API performance that degrades significantly when users access data on the sites that exceed their recommended limits. The API calls may time out or get throttled, blocking the users from opening the site or resulting in unexpected failures. In some extreme cases, the issue can impact functionalities beyond these sites.

To ensure site performance and help customers have the best possible experience, Microsoft will implement a safeguard to prevent customers from exceeding these limits.

[When will this happen:]

The enforcement of the limits will start in early February (previously early November) and will be completely enforced by late April (previously late December).

MC408694 (Updated) New 'Activity' Column in OneDrive 'My Files' list view Updated August 30, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are introducing a new Activity column in OneDrive My Files list view. The goal of this feature is to help users stay up-to-date on the files that they are working on with others by surfacing relevant activity information. We will show file activity related to actions, such as, user comments, edits, share, and @mentions.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88913

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out this feature in mid-September (previously late August) and expect to complete rollout by late September (previously mid-September).

Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

We are introducing a new Activity column in OneDrive My Files list view. The goal of this feature is to help users stay up-to-date on the files that they are working on with others by surfacing relevant activity information. We will show file activity related to actions, such as, user comments, edits, share, and @mentions.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 88913

[When this will happen:]

We will begin rolling out this feature in mid-October (previously mid-September) and expect to complete rollout by late October (previously late October).

MC417898 (Updated) Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights Microsoft Viva Insights is introducing new recurring time booking options to make it easier to take regular breaks during the workday, protect time to meet weekly learning objectives, and have daily time to catch up on emails and chats. These booking options will be accessible to the user through the Briefing email sent at the end of the week as well as through the Viva Insights app in Teams.

The feature is only available to those with a Microsoft Viva Insights subscription.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93424

[When this will happen]

We will begin roll out in late August and expect to complete rollout in mid-September.
Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

Microsoft Viva Insights is introducing new recurring time booking options to make it easier to take regular breaks during the workday, protect time to meet weekly learning objectives, and have daily time to catch up on emails and chats. These booking options will be accessible to the user through the Briefing email sent at the end of the week as well as through the Viva Insights app in Teams.

The feature is only available to those with a Microsoft Viva Insights subscription.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 93424

[When this will happen]

We will begin roll out in late August and expect to complete rollout in early October (previously mid-September).

MC428511 (Updated) Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner Web In addition to the existing board, chart, and schedule views, customers can now view their tasks in a grid/list format.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 98104

[When this will happen:]

The grid view will be available in Planner web in the early September timeframe.
Updated September 21, 2022: We have updated the rollout timeline below. Thank you for your patience.

In addition to the existing board, chart, and schedule views, customers can now view their tasks in a grid/list format.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 98104

[When this will happen:]

The grid view will be available in Planner web in the late October timeframe (previously early September).

MC430100 (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams Surveys and shared plans to help promote effective meeting habits are being introduced for users with Viva Insights subscription.

Meeting effectiveness surveys enable meeting organizers to view aggregated feedback from attendees on the meetings they organized. Organizers can also gain insights into successes and opportunity areas to promote a healthy meeting culture.

And effective meeting plans enable meeting organizers to create and share plans to help foster team meeting norms.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85660

[When this will happen:]

Meeting effectiveness surveys will begin rolling out end of September, 2022 and and Meeting effectiveness Plan will begin rolling out mid October, 2022 making them both available WW by end of October, 2022.

Updated September 22, 2022: We have updated the content below with additional information. Thank you for your patience.

Surveys and shared plans to help promote effective meeting habits are being introduced for users with Viva Insights subscription.

Meeting effectiveness surveys enable meeting organizers to view aggregated feedback from attendees on the meetings they organized. Organizers can also gain insights into successes and opportunity areas to promote a healthy meeting culture.

And effective meeting plans enable meeting organizers to create and share plans to help foster team meeting norms.

This message is associated with Microsoft 365 Roadmap ID 85660

[When this will happen:]

Meeting effectiveness surveys will begin rolling out end of September, 2022 and and Meeting effectiveness Plan will begin rolling out mid October, 2022 making them both available WW by end of October, 2022.

MC MessageTagNames changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC405984 (Updated) Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites Admin impact Updated message, Admin impact N/A
MC417898 (Updated) Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights New feature, User impact Updated message, New feature, User impact N/A
MC428511 (Updated) Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner Web New feature, User impact Updated message, New feature, User impact N/A
MC430100 (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams New feature, Admin impact Updated message, New feature, Admin impact N/A

MC prepare changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC295027 (Updated) Rich text and images in Planner task notes If your organization has custom applications interacting with our Microsoft Graph Planner API, make sure to update the apps to support the rich text task notes field as soon as it is available to take advantage of the new notes capabilities. We will maintain support for the existing plain text task notes field in our Microsoft Graph Planner API for at least 36 months.

If your organization has applications or workflows which parse the task notes to trigger logic based off contents in the notes field, we recommend users continue to input only plain text in task notes and not apply text formatting or insert images into task notes. Such apps should also be updated to avoid parsing task notes or applying logic to contents in the task notes as these are not recommended uses of the task notes field in our API.

If your organization has custom applications interacting with our Microsoft Graph Planner API, make sure to update the apps to support the rich text task notes field as soon as it is available to take advantage of the new notes capabilities. We will maintain support for the existing plain text task notes field in our Microsoft Graph Planner API for at least 36 months.

If your organization has applications or workflows which parse the task notes to trigger logic based off contents in the notes field, we recommend users continue to input only plain text in task notes and not apply text formatting into task notes. Such apps should also be updated to avoid parsing task notes or applying logic to contents in the task notes as these are not recommended uses of the task notes field in our API.

MC430100 (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams • Review and assess the impact on your organization.

• Consider updating your documentation as appropriate to reflect the above changes

• Review and assess the impact on your organization.

• Consider updating your documentation as appropriate to reflect the above changes



MC Title changes

MC ID MC Title Old Value New Value MC Action required by
MC405984 (Updated) Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites (Updated) Site Limits for SharePoint Lists, Libraries, and Subsites N/A
MC417898 (Updated) Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights (Updated) Microsoft Viva: Recurring Time Booking for Breaks, Learning, and Message Catch Up in Viva Insights N/A
MC428511 (Updated) Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner Web Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner We (Updated) Grid view for Planner "Assigned to me" and plan drill-down views in Planner We N/A
MC430100 (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams (Updated) Meeting effectiveness surveys and plans coming in the Microsoft Viva Insights app in Teams N/A

CW39 New Office 365 Message Center items

MC ID MC Title MC Category MC Workload MC Major Change MC Action required by
MC434657 Microsoft Purview | eDiscovery (Premium): Usability enhancements for list pages in compliance portal Stay Informed Microsoft 365 suite False N/A
MC434658 Meeting Category Trends and Details in the Viva Insights App in Teams and Meeting Category Insights Card in Digest Email Stay Informed Microsoft Viva False N/A
MC435255 Reminder: Disabling Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 and 1.1 by default for Internet Explorer and EdgeHTML Plan For Change Windows False N/A
MC435254 September 2022 Windows non-security preview "C" release available for all supported versions of Windows Prevent Or Fix Issue Windows False N/A
MC435246 The Windows 11 2022 Update is now available Plan For Change Windows True N/A
MC436423 Collaborate in Teams meetings with Excel Live Stay Informed Microsoft Teams, Office for the web False N/A
MC436422 Microsoft Viva: New Admin tab interface in Viva Learning Stay Informed Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva False N/A
MC436419 Microsoft Viva: Viva Learning cards are available for the Viva Connections Dashboard Stay Informed Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva False N/A
MC437267 Plan for Change: Ending support for Windows 8.1 Plan For Change Microsoft Intune False N/A
MC437266 What’s new in the Microsoft Intune Service Update for September 2022 Stay Informed Microsoft Intune False N/A
MC437263 Unread Toggle in Activity Feed Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC437260 Microsoft Purview Audit | Support for Customer Key (preview) Stay Informed Microsoft 365 suite False N/A
MC437558 Updated and more comprehensive Microsoft Teams app usage report for administrators Stay Informed Microsoft Teams False N/A
MC437557 Reminder: Microsoft Office default change – Blocking VBA macros in files from the internet Plan For Change Microsoft 365 Apps False N/A
MC437554 Teams user/device usage report and Graph API data source change Stay Informed Microsoft 365 suite, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Apps False N/A
MC437552 Stream migration tool public preview and general availability Stay Informed Microsoft Stream False N/A

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